Thursday, October 31, 2019

Delegation Example in a Health Care Setting Presentation Speech or

Delegation Example in a Health Care Setting - Speech or Presentation Example Fifthly it would focus on such stakeholders and aiders in the nursing process that would be impacted by changes in decision making. Sixthly out of the different stakeholders the project would focus on identifying the Right Stakeholder for Conducting and implementing the decision taken. Seventhly it would focus on choosing the right mode of communication to communicate the plan to the staff and stakeholders for solving the problem. Eighthly strategies are also needed to design the process of countering potential conflicts. Ninthly a model of gaining proper feedback from the participants needs to be formulated that in the tenth case would help in making effective evaluation of the problem-solving delegation model and also place needed recommendations where essential. Slide 3 The Delegation Model The Delegation Model chosen for nursing is based essentially on Five Rights. The Factors of Righteousness concerning Delegation can be conceptually underlined as follows. Firstly, it must be no ted that that the tasks assigned fall in the category of being rightly delegated to others and should not fall in the ambit of nursing practice. Secondly, in the process of delegation it is required to be understood that the person chosen to be delegated is competent and right enough to satisfy the requirements of the task chosen. Thirdly, evaluation must be conducted as to whether the decision taken pertaining to the assignment of the task enhances the right of nursing care rendered to patients and thereby involves the accomplishment of different steps to achieve a favorable outcome. In the process of delegation it is required to rightly communicate the process or steps involved in the plan to the different stakeholder groups elucidating and emphasizing the process of conducts and expectations thereof. Finally the fifth step focuses on gaining effective feedback from the participants or stakeholder groups in the task delegation process that in turn would help in enhancing the amoun t of benefits rendered to the patients. This step also includes rightly evaluating the model in helping in achieving the objectives for which it had been incorporated and thereby providing useful recommendations (Clark, 2008, p.186). Slide 4 The Healthcare Problem Quality of services rendered through healthcare is countering problems owing to the shift from standards or best practices involved pertaining to pathological timings. It is observed that in many cases the morning pathological functions concerning collection of blood, urine and stool samples and subjecting them to tests get disrupted owing to the loss of focus and unavailability of required staff. Owing to the above case the formulation of pathological reports counters a major problem thereby rendering threat to the process of medication and treatment involved pertaining to the patients (Harris, 2005, p.395-396). Slide 5 Stakeholders to the Delegation Process The stakeholders to the delegation of tasks pertaining to the ef fective operation of the morning laboratories would consist of the following parties: Doctors, Laboratory Staff, Nursing Aids, Patients Involved and Nursing Staff. These people are identified as stakeholders to the delegation process in healthcare for they have significant interests and also would be potentially affected pertaining to the level of outcomes resulting thereof. These groups of stakeholders consist of both external and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gone with the Wind Essay Example for Free

Gone with the Wind Essay Gone with the Wind is an adaptation of an historical romance. The film, set in Civil War-era southern United States, tends to be highly sentimental. Paradoxically, the circumstances in which it is set are often harrowing and serve to highlight the bravery required to survive during that time. The frothiness of the plot is in stark contrast to the utter seriousness of its context. The film opens in the antebellum South, on a Georgia plantation where the heroine entertains two gentlemen callers. The talk is of imminent war, a theme which guests carry through the subsequent picnic. Talk then turns to action and the men depart to enlist in the Confederate Army. Confidence and jubilation quickly become disappointment which gives way to horror as the realities of war intrude upon the genteel tableau. Under assault, the Southerners struggle to keep their society together in the face of poverty, filth, and chaos. We see the major historical points of the period, especially Shermans march through Georgia and the burning of Atlanta, a scorched earth policy. The women are the main characters in the film. In the effects of war and its aftermath we see destitution, famine, terror, desperation. The wounded are legion and supplies dwindle and disappear. The war ends and the soldiers come home to regroup. Carpetbaggers descend and begin an uneasy alliance with enterprising individuals, notably Scarlett. She casts aside honor to regain prosperity, marrying for money and using her combination of feminine wiles and shrewdness to rise above abject poverty. Finally she marries Rhett, a selfish opportunist like her. At the end he realizes that she will never love him and leaves Scarlett with that which has sustained her; an abiding love for Tara. This narrative is history seen from the womens perspective. They are alternately brave, childish, and childlike, treading on the line between what they are and what they must be. They do it for the men of the South, themselves, and for the South itself. The depiction of the war and the events surrounding it is largely consistent with the historical record. The factual portions of the film are in part accurate. For instance, at a benefit supporting the war, the ladies are asked to relinquish their jewelry. Such a depiction is consistent with the account in The American Civil War by Peter J. Parish and it highlights one of the sacrifices women made during this time. George A. Trenholm, who replaced Secretary of the Confederate Treasury Memminger, asked for these concessions as the finances of the South became particularly desperate. This detail concerns one of the points at which Gone With the Wind succeeds as history. †¦wealthy female slaveholders escaped significant disruption in their lives at the outset of the war, for they had money to maintain their antebellum lifestyle and the slaves to maintain plantation production. (Frank 514) Thus the sheltered experience depicted in the film is wholly consistent with rich womens lives until the last stages of the period. In opposition, several events as depicted in Gone with the Wind are inaccurate. At the end and after the war, black people did not leap to the aid of their former masters as the film asserts. The character Mammy would have sought paid employment rather than stay on a ruined plantation. In reality, the vast majority of the planters used violence to subjugate their property. In one scene, the character Ashley Wilkes chides Scarlett for treating the convict workers in her lumber mill cruelly in supposed contrast with their treatment of the slaves. It is true that in the darkest days for the South they did choose to prevail upon the Negroes to fight for their own oppression. There was no greater irony in all the efforts of the Confederacy to find adequate means to match its ambitious goals than the proposal to arm Negroes. (Parish 561) But the slaves did not fight for the South as much for a newfound and cherished liberty, greater than they had ever known. And once they had tasted that liberty, they did not willingly acquiesce in the imposition of a terrible, unjust burden. The importance of the Civil War and its aftermath can hardly be overstated. The struggle has been the only armed conflict fought on our territory. It consumed nearly 500,000 lives, the largest wartime death toll in American history. It also was a first step in remedying the shame of slavery which Americans had perpetrated in a country which largely had been the realization of a vision of freedom and equality. They fought with not only the political reality of the Souths secession of 1861, but with the regions separate psychology. By 1860 the South was a state of mind as well as a place on the map. A definition of Southernness was and is at least as much a task for the psychologist as for the geographer. (Parish 303) This enduring mindset notwithstanding, had the South won, not only would the crime of slavery have been continued, it is doubtful that the U. S. would have grown into the superpower it is today. The war determined that an integral part of the union would remain. The significance of the war for the world at large in the mid-nineteenth century †¦belongs in part to the realm of might-have-beens; its long-term consequences derived less from what did happen from what did not. (Parish 381) Among the events that very well might have happened were interference from foreign governments, international recognition of the Confederacy, and the widening of this internecine war into a general conflagration abroad. Such luck for the union was due to the relative isolation the U. S. has enjoyed throughout its history. Americans fought their war amid constant threats from abroad. There was nothing inevitable about the fact that it remained a domestic†¦affair. It remained a purely American affair through a combination of good fortune and great skill on the part of those who wished to keep it so, gross errors on the part of those who did not, and canny calculations of national and self-interest on the part of those who might have been caught in its toils. (Parish 381) Although some continue to fight this war in their minds, they benefit from over 200 years of federal association and its attendant largess. As I stated earlier, with regard to the historical accuracy of the film as document, it is a womens narrative. Though there was no Scarlett OHara per se, the things we see her experience and perpetrate on others is consistent with the accounts of those who actually lived in that time and place. The threat of starvation was indeed present in all households in the later stages. Domestic production and ingenuity staved off a state of crisis for slaveholding women for a while, but, by the end of the war starvation and material deprivation shook even the most affluent households. (Frank 515) When Scarlett was forced to hide her wagon under a bridge with three highly vulnerable people in it while Northern soldiers passed overhead, she was surviving a circumstance familiar to many Southern women. †¦many faced the hazards of living in the path of the Union army. Those who resided near the battlefront risked having their property commandeered, stolen, or destroyed by Northern soldiers. (Frank 515) Such dangers were in addition to the threat, both potential and realized, of bodily violation. Scarlett valiantly, not to say desperately, defends herself and her loved ones against a looting Union soldier when she shoots him in the face. It is an act not uncommon to those willing and able to defend themselves. The depiction of slave and ex-slave loyalty is highly romanticized to say the least. Gone with the Wind depicts Negroes as possessing a childlike innocence. They seem to be a rich vein of merriment instead of the human beings upon which the horrors of bondage had been visited. Nowhere do we see slaverys pain and degradation. The black characters in the film are even more a caricature than even the heroine is at times. The films tendency toward opaque sentiment at first glance is a terrible injustice to a period quite painful to the American psyche be it black or white, Northern or Southern. Certainly the film is nowhere near the caliber of slave narratives, Ken Burns the Civil War, or Uncle Toms Cabin. However, it is important as hitherto all-too-often neglected genre of womens history. Seldom in mainstream culture is the womens perspective represented so faithfully. And equally seldom is it given the attention and resources devoted to this film. It is simply not taken seriously enough and shunted off into womens studies classes rather than included in the mainstream of scholarship. Valuable though they are, the womens studies classes or gender studies courses tend to attract the favor of those predisposed to appreciate them. Gone With the Wind, for a long while a staple of popular culture, has reached a much wider audience. In many ways this movie is indeed an historical romance, ladies fiction. However it is also a significant historical document. Many more people have learned about the Civil War from the womens point of view by means of viewing this film than from any other source. This fact, in addition to its inclusion of important data, renders it deserving of attention and respect. For instance, it highlights the worthlessness of the Confederate currency, a situation which underscores the sheer lack of administrative competence displayed in the South at all stages of the war. Not only did the Confederates fight the North, they also had to contend with the inherent weaknesses of their fledgling nation, as they sought to envision it. Many things weakened The Cause, most notably slaverys lack of long-term viability as an economic model. The South was heavily invested in a system which had no hope of succeeding beyond a few years. To a great extent, the Confederacy fell under its own weight, much to the past and continuing chagrin if its champions and much to the edification of the nation of which it is a part as well as humankind in general. If only the proof of that assertion would not have required the death of so many and the maiming of still more. Bibliography Frank, Lisa Tendrich. Women in the American Civil War Vol. II. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, Inc. , 2008 Parish, Peter J. American Civil War, the. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1975.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Difference Between Men And Women

The Difference Between Men And Women Understanding The Difference Between Men And Women For centuries, the differences between men and women were socially defined and distorted through a lens of sexism in which men assumed superiority over women and maintained it through domination. As the goal of equality between men and women now grows closer we are also losing our awareness of important differences. In some circles of society, politically correct thinking is obliterating important discussion as well as our awareness of the similarities and differences between men and women. The vision of equality between the sexes has narrowed the possibilities for discovery of what truly exists within a man and within a woman. The world is less interesting when everything is same. It is my position that men and women are equal but different. When I say equal, I mean that men and women have a right to equal opportunity and protection under the law. The fact that people in this country are assured these rights does not negate my observation that men and women are at least as different psychologically as they are physically. None of us would argue the fact that men and women are physically different. The physical differences are rather obvious and most of these can be seen and easily measured. Weight, shape, size and anatomy are not political opinions but rather tangible and easily measured. The physical differences between men and women provide functional advantages and have survival value. Men usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower threshold of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger than a women’s. The stereotype that men are more thick-headed than women is not far fetched. A man’s thick headedness, and other anatomical differences have been associated with a uniquely male attraction to high speed activities and reckless beh avior that usually involve collisions with other males or automobiles. Men invented the game chicken, not women. Men, and a number of other male species of animal seem to charge and crash into each other a great deal in their spare time. Women on the other hand have four times as many brain cells (neurons) connecting the right and left side of their brain. This latter finding provides physical evidence that supports the observation that men rely easily and more heavily on their left brain to solve one problem one step at a time. Women have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore greater use of their right brain. Women can focus on more than one problem at one time and frequently prefer to solve problems through multiple activities at a time. Nearly every parent has observed how young girls find the conversations of young boys boring. Young boys express confusion and would rather play sports than participate actively in a conversation between 5 girls who are discussing as many as three subjects at once! The psychological differences between man and women are less obvious. They can be difficult to describe. Yet these differences can profoundly influence how we form and maintain relationships that can range from work and friendships to marriage and parenting. Recognizing, understanding, discussing as well as acting skillfully in light of the differences between men and women can be difficult. Our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a life long source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship. Not only can these differences destroy a promising relationship, but most people will grudgingly accept or learn to live with the consequences. Eventually they find some compromise or way to cope. Few people ever work past these difficulties. People tend to accept what they don’t understand when they feel powerless to change it. Relationships between men and women are not impossible or necessarily difficult. Problems simply arise when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think, feel or act the way we do. It’s not that men and women live in completely different realities. Rather, our lack of knowledge and mutual experience gives rise to our difficulties. Despite great strides in this country toward equality, modern society hasn’t made relationships between men and women any easier. Today’s society has taught us and has imposed on us the expectation that men and women should live together continuously, in communion, and in harmony. These expectations are not only unrealistic but ultimately they leave people feeling unloved, inadequate, cynical, apathetic or ashamed. The challenge facing men and women is to become aware of their identities, to accept their differences, and to live their lives fully and as skillfully as possible. To do this we must first understand in what ways we are different. We must avoid trying to change others to suit our needs. The following illustrates some important differences between men and women. These differences are not absolute. They describe how men and women are in most situations most of the time. Problems Men and women approach problems with similar goals but with different considerations. While men and women can solve problems equally well, their approach and their process are often quit different. For most women, sharing and discussing a problem presents an opportunity to explore, deepen or strengthen the relationship with the person they are talking with. Woman are usually more concerned about how problems are solved than merely solving the problem itself. For women, solving a problem can profoundly impact whether they feel closer and less alone or whether they feel distant and less connected. The process of solving a problem can strengthen or weaken a relationship. Most men are less concerned and do not feel the same as women when solving a problem. Men approach problems in a very different manner than women. For most men, solving a problem presents an opportunity to demonstrate their competence, their strength of resolve, and their commitment to a relationship. How the problem is solved is not nearly as important as solving it effectively and in the best possible manner. Men have a tendency to dominate and to assume authority in a problem solving process. They set aside their feelings provided the dominance hierarchy was agreed upon in advance and respected. They are often distracted and do not attend well to the quality of the relationship while solving problems. Some of the more important differences can be illustrated by observing groups of young teenage boys and groups of young teenage girls when they attempt to find their way out of a maze. A group of boys generally establish a hierarchy or chain of command with a leader who emerges on his own or through demonstrations of ability and power. Boys explore the maze using scouts while remaining in distant proximity to each other. Groups of girls tend to explore the maze together as a group without establishing a clear or dominant leader. Relationships tends to be co-equal. Girls tend to elicit discussion a nd employ collective intelligence to the task of discovering a way out. Girls tend to work their way through the maze as a group. Boys tend to search and explore using structured links and a chain of command. Thinking While men and women can reach similar conclusions and make similar decisions, the process they use can be quit different and in some cases can lead to entirely different outcomes. In general, men and women consider and process information differently. Women tend to be intuitive global thinkers. They consider multiple sources of information within a process that can be described as simultaneous, global in perspective and will view elements in the task in terms of their interconnectedness. Women come to understand and consider problems all at once. They take a broad or collective perspective, and they view elements in a task as interconnected and interdependent. Women are prone to become overwhelmed with complexities that exist, or may exist, and may have difficulty separating their personal experience from problems. Men tend to focus on one problem at a time or a limited number of problems at a time. They have an enhanced ability to separate themselves from problems and minimize the c omplexity that may exist. Men come to understand and consider problems one piece at a time. They take a linear or sequential perspective, and view elements in a task as less interconnected and more independent. Men are prone to minimize and fail to appreciate subtleties that can be crucial to successful solutions. A male may work through a problem repeatedly, talking about the same thing over and over, rather than trying to address the the problem all at once. While there are differences in the ways that men and women think, it must be emphasized that they can and do solve problems in a similar manner. There are no absolutes, only tendencies. Memory Women have an enhanced ability to recall memories that have strong emotional components. They can also recall events or experiences that have similar emotions in common. Women are very adept at recalling information, events or experiences in which there is a common emotional theme. Men tend to recall events using strategies that rely on reconstructing the experience in terms of elements, tasks or activities that took place. Profound experiences that are associated with competition or physical activities are more easily recalled. There appears to be a structural and chemical basis for observed memory differences. For instance, the hippocampus, the area in the brain primarily responsible for memory, reacts differently to testosterone in men and it reacts differently to changing levels of estrogen and progesterone in women. Women tend to remember or be reminded of different emotional memories and content to some extent as part of their menstrual cycle. Sensitivity There is evidence to suggest that a great deal of the sensitivity that exists within men and women has a physiological basis. It has been observed that is many cases, women have an enhanced physical alarm response to danger or threat. Their autonomic and sympathetic systems have a lower threshold of arousal and greater reactivity than men. In both men and women, higher levels of testosterone directly affect the aggressive response and behavior centers of the brain. Increasing estrogen and progesterone in men has a feminizing effect. Sexually aggressive males become less focused on sexual aggressive behavior and content when they are given female hormones. On the other hand, changing estrogen and progesterone levels in women during menstrual cycles can produce a flood of memories as well as strong emotions. Increasing or high levels of testosterone can produce an emotional insensitivity, empathic block and increased indifference to the distress others. At the heart of sensitivity is o ur capacity to form, appreciate and maintain relationships that are rewarding. Even here there are important differences. For men, what demonstrates a solid relationship is quite different from that of most women. Men feel closer and validated through shared activities. Such activities include sports, competition, outdoor activities or sexual activities that are decidedly active and physical. While both men and women can appreciate and engage in these activities they often have preferential differences. Women, on the other hand, feel closer and validated through communication, dialogue and intimate sharing of experience, emotional content and personal perspectives. Many men tend to find such sharing and involvement uncomfortable, if not, overwhelming. The Task Of Relationship Facing Men and Women The task that faces men and women is to learn to accept their differences, avoid taking their differences as personal attempts to frustrate each other, and to compromise whenever possible. The idea that one gender can think and feel like the other if they truly loved each is rather absurd. Sure, a man or women could act in consideration of the other’s needs, but this would not necessarily be rewarding and honest. Holding the benefit of another above our own is rewarding. But from time to time, and more often for most of us, it is important to be our self and to be accepted, and not to be the source of distress and disappointment in the lives of people we love. The Role Of Counseling and Therapy Counseling and therapy can help a couple understand and appreciate each other, and even benefit from their differences. Understanding these differences intellectually is not enough. A counselor or therapist can help point out these differences, as they surface, and guide a couple to a greater level of relationship. Understanding that differences are not intentional and that misunderstandings are merely the result of expectations that are not realistic can make a huge difference in a relationship. The differences that can be sensed between a man and women can deepen their relationship. More importantly, when men seek to understand and appreciate that which is feminine, they come to a deeper understanding of their self. And when a women seeks to understand that which is masculine in men, they come to appreciate and understand more about their own masculinity. THE SOCIAL ROLES OF MEN AND WOMEN In all societies the obvious biological difference between men and women is used as a justification for forcing them into different social roles which limit and shape their attitudes and behavior. That is to say, no society is content with the natural difference of sex, but each insists on adding to it a cultural difference of gender. The simple physical facts therefore always become associated with complex psychological qualities. It is not enough for a man to be male; he also has to appear masculine. A woman, in addition to being female, must also be feminine. However, once the contrast between men and women has been increased and accentuated in this fashion, it is usually taken as a further manifestation of biological differences which confirm the need for different social roles. Or, to put it another way, sex differences are used to create gender differences which are then explained as sex differences which, in turn, require gender differences, and so on. This may be no more than circular reasoning, but it is socially very effective. For example, in our own patriarchal society males enjoy a socially dominant position. Thus, from an early age, boys are helped to acquire a masculinity that allows them to assume and maintain that position. By the same token, girls are taught to cultivate a submissive femininity. The resulting difference in the male and female character is then described as inborn and used to defend the existing power arrangement. Only those who accept it are normal, and only they can expect to succeed. The male social role is designed to reward masculine men, while the female social role offers its relative advantages only to feminine women. (The aggressive man will run the bigger business; the pretty, agreeable woman will find the richer husband.) In other words, masculinity and femininity are gender qualities which are developed in response to social discrimination. However, once they have been developed, they justify and cement it. The masculine and feminine gender roles mutually reinforce each other and thereby perpetuate the inequality on which they are based. Obviously, this psychological mechanism can operate only as long as the behavior of men and women does not transgress the generally accepted limits. Every society tries therefore to prevent such transgressions by calling the socially defined gender roles natural, eternal, and unchangeable. Any person who refuses to accept them is persecuted as a deviant and punished as an offender not only against society, but against nature itself. An hist orical example of such deviance is the case of Joan of Arc who, as a young girl, not only led the French army to victory over the English, but also wore male clothing. In her later trial she was promptly accused of having thus violated the laws of nature. Over the centuries, many people have, of course, wondered why allegedly natural roles should need such rigorous social enforcement. After all, if they were truly natural, they would come naturally to both men and women. However, it is noteworthy that the advocates of the so-called natural inequality of the sexes resent nothing more than letting nature take its course. Yet, if their arguments were true, there would be no need to deny women equal opportunities, since they would be unable to compete with men. If women were naturally inferior, men would have nothing to fear. Therefore, the fact that many men do fear such competition raises sufficient doubt as to the validity of their claim. The truth is that human desires and capacities have a tendency to go beyond the narrow limits of our traditional gender roles. Indeed, it takes a constant combined effort by all social authorities to keep this tendency under control. Such social control appears not only externally, in the form of parental guidance, peer-group pressure, and law enforcement, but also internally in the form of concepts and values which determine the self-image of every individual, and it is in the individual mind where the confusion of sex and gender can create the most serious problems. For instance, men and women who feel that they do not fit the masculine and feminine stereotypes, or who resent them as too restrictive, may also develop ambiguous feelings about their biological sex. They may begin to wish for different bodies which would allow them to play a role more to their liking. Or, to take another example, since men have been told that women are socially and sexually passive, they are usually gravely disturbed by encountering a woman who is socially aggressive and who takes the initiative in sexual intercourse. Confronted with this lack of femininity in a woman, a man may feel tempted to dispute her womanhood. If this contention does not hold up in face of the evidence, he may instead begin to doubt his own masculinity and become sexually dysfunctional. Conversely, a handsome, gentle, and passive male may invite ridicule and may be denounced as a pervert or queer. Real women may regard him as less than a real man and therefore reject him as a sexual partner. However, the confusion goes still further. The notion that in every sexual encounter there has to be one active (masculine) and one passive (feminine) partner is so persistent that it not only ruins many heterosexual relationships, but also influences the behavior of certain homosexuals who feel compelled to model themselves after these stereotypes. By doing so, they give support to the curious belief that even in sexual relationships between members of the same sex, there always has to be one to play the man, while the other must assume the role of the woman. There is, in fact a general impression that every homosexual couple (whether male or female) consists of one active, masculine and one passive, feminine partner. People who hold this belief are, of course, at a total loss to explain phenomena like the famous homosexual elite troops of ancient Greece, which consisted entirely of male lovers. All of these views are based on a wrong conclusion drawn from a false assumption. The false assumption states that women are naturally passive, while men are naturally active. The wrong conclusion asserts that every passive person is playing a feminine role and that every active person is playing a masculine role. However, in actual fact neither sex nor gender need be characterized in this fashion. After all, in some human societies the role assignment for men and women is the reverse of our own. In short, there is nothing natural or definite about our sexual stereotypes. By the same token, full human equality will not be achieved until it becomes conceivable to both sexes that active and passive attitudes can be appropriate for either of them, and that even two active or two passive partners can have a rewarding relationship. This does not mean that, in an ideal future, all human differences will disappear. Indeed, once the old stereotypes have been discarded, the differences between individuals within each sex are likely to increase. Furthermore, under conditions of social equality, these individuals may also happily continue to play different gender roles. There should be no need to point out that there is nothing wrong with gender differences as such. They can greatly enrich our lives, as long as we understand that, in human beings, different does not have to mean superior or inferior. In other words, those who demand equal rights for men and women are not asking for drab uniformity, but for a social climate in which variety can flourish without being exploited. The following pages first elaborate further on the basic concepts of sex and gender and then offer a brief discussion of the different moral standards for men and women. Male Logic and Womens Intuition The split in our thinking between masculine and feminine is probably as old as language itself. Human beings seem to have a natural tendency to divide things into pairs: good/bad, light/dark, subject/object and so on. It is not surprising, then, that the male/female or masculine/feminine dichotomy is used to classify things other than men and women. Many languages actually classify all nouns as masculine or feminine (although not very consistently: for example, the Spanish masculine noun pollo means hen, while the feminine polla is slang for penis). This is perfectly natural; it is part of the way categorisation works in language. This does not, however, mean that it is right. It is probably unimportant whether a table or a chair is thought of as masculine or feminine. It may not even be very important these days whether we think of the sun as male and the moon as female (like the ancient Greeks) or vice versa (like most of the German tribes). However, when we start associating abstr act concepts like Reason or Nature with men and women, we run into serious difficulties. The association of Reason with men and Nature with women is well-known, and has been widely criticised. Aristotle defined Man as a rational animal, and by that he really meant men, not human beings. Unlike Plato, he saw women as less able to reason, hence less human and more animal. In Europe, well into the twentieth century, women were generally seen as somehow intellectually deficient. An English woman recently became Oxfords oldest graduate because although she had completed her degree course in the 1920s, at that time the university did not award degrees to female students. Presumably it would have decreased the status of the university to award degrees to an intellectually inferior sex! Nearly all societies, from hunting and gathering tribes to post-industrial nations, offer some kind of compensation to those who lose out in the status game. For example, among the practically matriarchal Zuni Indians of New Mexico, the economically powerless men were credited with the ability to make rain. Black slaves in the American South were thought to be naturally stronger (which they generally were), better at music and dancing (which they may have been) and more cheerful (highly unlikely for slaves, but a good justification for treating them badly). In the same way, women are compensated for their supposed inability to think rationally by a mysterious womens intuition. Attempts were made to justify this in biological terms; women were seen as naturally more emotional and/or in touch with Nature because of their strange biology (menstruation, hormones, vapours or whatever). This was about as scientific as the Zuni Indians theory that men could make rain. Men and women are, of course, biologically different. There are even significant differences in male and female brains; women, for example, have a thicker corpus callosum (the thing that connects the two halves of the brain). However, it is a giant leap from observing that there are neurological differences between the sexes to assuming that these differences correspond to the classic Reason/Nature or logic/emotion dichotomies. In fact, some of these differences may even indicate the opposite. The left hemisphere of the brain generally deals with linear processing, as found in language and some types of mathematics, and this hemisphere develops faster in girls than in boys. The old 11 plus test of verbal reasoning used in British schools was actually adjusted to bring boys scores up to the level of girls! Whatever the case, it is a mistake to look at peoples brains and then decide that they must think in a certain way; it would be far better to try and find out how people actually th ink, and then to see if this corresponds to brain structure. When we talk about the way men and women think, we are actually dealing with not one, but at least three separate things: how men and women usually think, how men and women can think, and how we think men and women think. Usually when we think we are looking at the first or second subjects, we are actually only describing the third. Since our main guide to how people think is their language, the fact that in most cultures men and women talk in different ways, and about different things, may lead us to false conclusions about the way they think in general. Womens conversation tends to emphasise feelings more, which may also mean that they think about feelings more. It does not, however, mean that woman are more emotional. It is perfectly possible that men are just as emotional, but for social reasons they talk (and think) about their feelings less. Similarly, the fact that in most cultures men argue more about abstract things does not mean that men are naturally more logical, it just means that the things men prefer to talk about require logical argument more than they require expression of feelings. Obviously the more you argue, the better you get at it, hence the prejudice that men are somehow biologically more logical. This would be like assuming that I am biologically better at speaking English (my first language) than Turkish (my second). Problems also arise with the actual words we use: logic, reason, intuition and emotion. Logic is simply a set of principles for getting from something we already knew, to something we didnt. If we know that all cows eat grass, and we know that Daisy is a cow, we can use very simple logic to say that Daisy eats grass, even if we have never seen her eat anything. The more complex logic that we use in constructing philosophical arguments or designing computers is really only doing the same kind of thing. The word rational is a little more problematic, since it involves an assessment of aims and actions. If our aims are consistent with each other and our actions achieve our aims, then we can fairly say that we are behaving rationally. If we act in a way that prevents us from realising our aims, then we are behaving irrationally, or in other words, stupidly. For example, if I know that I will have a better relationship with my wife if I dont shout at her, but I still shout at her because I am in a bad mood, my problem is not that I am being emotional, it is that I am being stupid. The opposite of rational is not, then, emotional but irrational. If we set up a pair of opposites, rational/emotional, we are likely to make the assumption that women are more emotional and therefore irrational, which is a polite way of saying that women are stupid. While having strong emotions can sometimes interfere with your thought processes, this is not automatically the case. For example, I often get quite excited when I am working on a new theory or project, but this usually makes my thinking better, not worse. Strong negative emotions such as rage, jealousy or depression are usually the result of irrational thinking as much as a cause of it, and men are just as vulnerable to this type of stupidity as women. Intuition is an even trickier concept. We usually say that we arrive at an idea or solution to a problem intuitively when we know something without knowing how we came to know it. A scientist may arrive at a new theory because the idea just pops into his or her head, or even turns up in a dream. You may get an intuitive feeling that a person is dishonest without actually having heard them say something you know to be untrue. In both these cases, what seems to be happening is that the mind stores and sorts information unconsciously, providing us only with the end result of this process. There is no guarantee, of course, that this conclusion will be true; a scientist would still have to perform experiments to prove their intuitive theory, and you would probably want some hard evidence to prove that the person you feel is dishonest really does tell lies. There is therefore nothing particularly strange or mystical about intuition; it is something we do all the time. Why, then, do we talk about womens intuition, as though men never arrive at a conclusion without consciously following all the stages that were necessary to reach it? Again, the answer is probably linguistic. As we have seen, traditionally womens conversation is less formal, less argumentative, and more concerned with feelings than mens conversation. Intuitive conclusions are therefore more acceptable in an all-female group. Men, on the other hand, are expected to argue more, and to argue more logically, presenting evidence in a systematic way to back up their conclusions. It is less socially acceptable in an all-male conversation (or a conversation where the men are doing most of the talking) to say Well guys, I dont know why, but I just get this kind of feeling that e=mc2. We can see, then, that these pairs of opposites, logic/intuition and rational/emotional, are not only false, but also damaging, particularly to women. It therefore surprising that some feminists actually support a version of this patriarchal nonsense. Particularly at the more spiritual end of the Radical Feminist community, there is a tendency to glorify womens intuition and closeness to Nature, and to avoid logic as somehow male, as though it were a psychological problem resulting from too much testosterone. The fact that men often use logic, or at least logical-sounding arguments, to put women in their place is not a fault of logic, it is the fault of those mens sexism and lack of social skills. More innocently, men are often accused of being too cold and logical, not because there is anything wrong with their ideas, but because they do not understand the unspoken rules of female conversation, in the same way that women are often accused of being illogical or emotional because they do not argue using the same language as men. If women reject logic and rely solely on feelings, they are left in the weak position of having to argue with feelings. Feeling that something is true does not make it true, and it will not convince anyone else that it is true either. You can say, I feel X, but the person you are arguing with can just as well reply, Well I dont. The result is that the argument usually goes nowhere. This is particularly damaging in arguments between men and women, since both sides are likely to go away with their prejudices strengthened; the men think women are subjective, emotional and illogical, and the women think men are impersonal, cold and over-intellectual. To justify their feelings of hurt at being beaten in an argument, the women concerned may go further and dismiss the whole thing as male logic, as though there were two types of logic, on for men and anoth

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Universal Soul in The Parable of the Chariot, Katha Upanishad 3.3-3

The Universal Soul in The Parable of the Chariot, Katha Upanishad 3.3-3.12 The word â€Å"Atman† is translated into English as â€Å"soul† or â€Å"self.† Yet Atman in Hinduism has a much richer meaning than our standard western concept of soul. For example, Atman is understood as divine and equivalent to Brahman, the ultimate reality. Each person’s Atman is the same, and each is identical with Brahman. Therefore Atman could also be translated, â€Å"Universal Soul,† â€Å"Eternal Soul,† or â€Å"All-Soul.† The Katha Upanishad speaks at length about the nature of Atman, how one might attain to it and thereby attain to Brahman. Attainment to Atman is dependent on the control of those aspects of the person that are transitory and not eternal like Atman; these include the body, the mind, the intellect and the senses. The parable of the chariot in the Katha Upanishad illustrates the nature of Atman by means of an allegory. According to this parable, the way to Brahman is through Atman; the way to Atman is through control of the body, the senses, the mind, and the intellect. Each of these aspects of the person, including Atman itself, is likened to some part of the chariot. It is thus shown that Atman or the soul is what gives the body purpose and life, and that control of the mind and the senses results in a knowledge of the universal soul and, likewise, ultimate reality. The parable of the chariot begins simply with a basic comparison between two opposite aspects of a person, body and soul (Katha Upanishad, 3.3): Know thou the soul (atman, self) as riding in a chariot, The body as the chariot. In this passage the soul is not only shown in control of the body but also protected by it and dependent on it for its interaction with the world... ...hings, That Soul (Atman, Self) shines not forth, But He is seen by subtle seers With superior, subtle intellect. The parable of the chariot shows that Atman is the supreme entity among the many parts that make up the person, yet it also shows that the various parts have relationships with and dependencies on one another. Through the subordination of the many parts to Atman, we may come to know Atman, the royal passenger in the chariot. All the aspects of the person which are not Atman (body, mind, etc.) give us the impression that we are unique individuals. Only by subordinating these things to Atman do we see otherwise. We all suffer from the illusion that we are distinct, yet when we begin to see that we all are in fact the same, then we begin to know Atman and therefore Brahman as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Question 1 Of The 1960’s Coursework

From source A we can learn what a big impact the Beatles had on London. The origin of the source is the actress Joanna Lumley, the nature of this source is a written description and the purpose of the source to inform us about the impact of the Beatles. ‘Extraordinary silence' this suggest the Beatles had such a massive impacted on London that everyone was watching the Beatles. 'emptiness had descended upon London, on England, on Britain' this is showing us just what impact the Beatles made on the whole of Britain also ‘hurried' and ‘sprinted' is showing the excitement of this incredible god like band. ‘No one was seen by the flower -stall' showing what people would give up just to see this band and yet again just showing how big they were. ‘Fab four' showing there celebrity status. ‘It was very heaven to be alive' this just sums up her feelings of what she thought it was like to live back in the 1960's Unfortunately this source is quite one sided seeing as this source is an account written 30 years after these events had happened and quite dramatic in her views. She knows how big they become and this also influences her memories, as back in 1964 they weren't as big as they were later. Plus Joanna Lumley wasn't your ordinary teen back then she had celebrity status and seen things a lot more differently than other teens back then. This is a more realistic view on her views, ‘A hot summer's evening' not everyone is going to be inside watching the Beatles its not like everyone loves them. ‘London, on England, on Britain' the whole nation wasn't interested in them and they were barely known throughout Britain anyway seeing as this was only the start of the Beatles. ‘The nation held its breath' the Beatles were mostly a teen band and not all teens would of even liked them and how would see know this anyway. ‘ instead of the rush hour an extraordinary silence' this just shows how blinded she has become while writing this and its like she's writing more on the impacted they did have on the 1960's on a whole, not back in 1964. ‘Being cool, hip, smart, lippy, champing, and funny. How does she know what there personalities are like she didn't even know them, no one did and that's why they have drug allegations behind them so she surly didn't know them that well. In my conclusion she set's up the impact the Beatles on a massive scale but reality how could she know this and we know this isn't true seeing as they were more of a teen band and were barley famous at this time anyway. I fell this source is showing us more of the impact the Beatles had on Lumley personally and not what it had on the nation as a whole this is why we cannot trust this source completly.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Importance of Greek Burial

The Importance of Burial in Greek Religion For the most part, the Greeks did not believe in a different afterlife for the good or bad—i. e. , no heaven or hell. In their view, the afterlife was almost universally grim; the important detail for the dead was whether they were buried or unburied. Those who did not receive proper funeral rites were doomed to wander by the river Styx, the entrance to the Underworld, for eternity; their souls could never be at rest.Thus, denying burial to a corpse not only insulted the body, but also damned his soul for all time. The buried were granted access to Hades, the name of both the Underworld and its king (who was also known as Pluto). In order for the dead to gain this access, a complicated ritual had to be performed. There were few ‘professional' undertakers, so a man's funeral fell to his family, especially the women of the family.They prepared the body for cremation, oversaw the collection of the bones and ashes and burial of the urn, provided the tomb with liquid offerings (libations), and led the mourning, a loud and violent process in which women tore their cheeks with their fingernails, ripped out their hair, and poured dirt over the heads and clothing. Mourning the dead was one of the few things women were allowed to do in ancient Greece, especially Athens. Women of well-born families were expected to stay at home in specially designated women's quarters at all times except during certain religions festivals.Marriages were arranged by a girl's father or guardian. Women were not true citizens of the democracy and could not speak or vote in the assembly. They were not even allowed to speak in court, a basic right for Athenian men. Burying and mourning their dead relatives gave women an opportunity to do something important for their families. It brought women to the fore and gave them a role to play. When Creon forbids burial of Polynices, he denies Antigone the chance to do one of the few important thing s society allowed women to do. Thus, he is attacking her identity, and that is a large part of the reason she opposes his orders.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Child Called essays

A Child Called essays A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer A Child Called It is a story based on a real life boys tribulations with his mothers shocking abuse. When he was younger Dave and his family were considered the perfect family. Then, all of a sudden his mother and father started drinking and had problems in their relationship. Dave started getting the worst treatment imaginable. His mother all of a sudden treated him as a nobody or an It. His father wouldnt do anything about it and it made Dave hate him. She did many horrible things to him that he will never forget. He had two other brothers but they didnt get any of their mothers harsh beatings or tortures. Davids mother would starve him weeks at a time without giving him even a morsel of food. He had to steal food from stores and the school to survive. One day he stole hot dogs from the school cafeteria and someone caught him. When he got home his mother made him puke it up and then eat it again. She almost went to the extent of making David eat his baby brothers feces. Another incident was when David was cleaning the kitchen floor for his mother. She all of a sudden stormed into the kitchen and started yelling at him. Youve made my life a living hell! she sneered. Now its time I show you what hell is like! Right after she said that she took him by the arm, turned on the gas stove, and burned the flesh on his arm. She then proceeded to make him take off his clothes and lay on top of the flames. She tortured him for no reason except for her own sick pleasure. She would also make him drink ammonia, wear tattered clothes, sleep in the garage, and she even went to the extent of stabbing him and not taking him to the hospital. This story ended with David saying the Lords Prayer and praying for God to save him from his living hell. The sequel to this book is called T...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chem 1301- Carbon essays

Chem 1301- Carbon essays When one thinks of life, they must remember to acknowledge the carbon element because its compounds are essential to vitality, as we know it. Carbon is the sixth most abundant element in the universe. It makes up 0.32% of the earths crust. While the origin or founder is unknown, carbon dates back to the prehistoric times, but scientists did not discover the three different types of carbon until the 1700s. The individual most responsible for putting this element to use is Dmitri Mendeleev, in the 1860s when he organized the periodic table of elements. All the elements were arranged from lightest to heaviest in respect to carbon. Because carbon makes up millions of compounds, there is a special section in chemistry called organic chemistry devoted especially to the compounds formed by carbon and hydrogen. Besides being the basis of all life in living things, carbon is also used for ones everyday purposes. We rarely realized the chemistry involved in or day-to-day existence. Carbon is a non-metallic element found in group IVA of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 6, and the atomic mass is 12.01115. Carbon is used as the international standard for atomic weight. The simple formation about the carbon atoms is that they have 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons in the 12C isotope. This isotope is the most abundant. There are actually two stable isotopes with mass numbers 12 and 13. About 1% of carbon atoms are carbon-13. Four radioactive isotopes are known, but the most useful one is Carbon-14, which makes up a very small fraction of all carbons. The melting point of carbon is 3550oC, and the boiling point is 4827o C. The electron configurations for this element is written as [He]2s22p2. It must either gain or lose four electrons in order to become a stable ion. Also, unlike metals and non-metals, bonding in carbon is generally covalent rather than ionic, quite strong, and often forms long chains through a process c...

Saturday, October 19, 2019


When I think of Bella, I think of dust, for the arid country in which she lived was no friend of the meticulous housewife. And as I begin to feel the swirling dust exfoliate my skin, my right hand automatically, subconsciously drifts to my left wrist, feeling for the plastic bracelet I lost long ago and finding only the memory of its origin. Bella came to me in the summer, when the sun was high and hot, and my hair had begun to turn red with its heat. More factually, I went to Bella, in a group of thirty, on the quintessential summer mission trip to Mexico. Filled with our romantic plans and burdened with craft supplies, we entered a small, worn, and obviously loved gym. Our first project was to advertise, and as we set out into the surrounding neighborhood, I began to miss the smooth pavement of America. The next day, having used my allotted eight minutes of hot water and five minutes of mirror time, my feelings of discomfort were far from alleviated. I was to be a group leader, meaning that I alone would be working with a small group of children whose names were as foreign to me as the wind to a worm. By this time, I was so far from my comfort zone I was beginning to lose sight of it, and a few more steps would put me in danger of getting lost on my way back. This is where Bella floated into my life. As we sat on the gym floor, me trying desperately not to show my fear, Bella and her sister coloring contentedly, my eyes fell on a subject guaranteed to generate conversation: jewelry. Bella had adorned her small wrist with a bracelet woven of thin strips of plastic. It had an unmistakable air of mission trip about it and as I pointed to it and gestured my admiration, I envisioned her sitting on this same hard floor with another girl, one hopefully more adept than I. The thought that Bella had done this before, that she knew the routine made me relax, and after a bit I even found my waxen smile melting into one of genuine pleasure . Over the next four days, Bella became a constant in my life. Every morning, bracelet donned, sister in hand, she marched through the crowd of surging children and found me. She repeated this routine with such a steadfast air, that I felt sure she would have found me had I suddenly relocated home. Her regularity was comforting, and if nothing else, I appreciated that it was me she found, eradicating the possibility of my ending up with a new name and face to learn every day. Bella marched right through the week and ushered in Friday with all the assurance a nine year old commands. We wrapped up the week in true mission trip style: with candy and lots of it. Our fructose-packed handfuls engendered so chaotic a frenzy that when Bella’s turn came I could only manage a quick bye and a smile in the direction of her and her sister before I was again absorbed by the hyped crowd. With a fond smile I watched her small back grow even smaller, and as I turned to focus on the other chi ldren, I had an extra bit of patience to share. Just as I sorted out who had already been given candy from those who had not, I felt a small tap, lighter than the landing of a bumblebee. Resisting the urge to pretend I had not felt anything, I turned. There stood Bella. In one small fist she still held tight to the hand of her sister, never letting anything separate them. In the other fist, the one she was holding out to me, was Bella’s plastic bracelet, the one she had worn every day. Speechless, I took the shyly offered gift, and this time to give her a real hug. Not knowing what I wanted to say, nor how to say it if I had, I could only hug Bella and her sister and murmur thank yous one after the other. Bella soon skipped off again, leaving me with more that a little to ponder. As I fumbled with the plastic laces, I slowly began to realize the magnitude of this gift. I began to remember the homes I had visited that first day. Incredibly small shelters that were once worthy of the title hut, their walls and ceilings were now formed with the things I once used to make forts. Mattresses, scrap wood, wagons and tires were used in place of glass and concrete. Somehow I had removed Bella from the town in which she lived, and in that single second the realization that she lived in one of those achingly mismatched homes threatened to knock me over. It is humorous how quickly my outlook on life was altered. The generosity of one small girl in a village reversed my thought process and sent me from self absorbed and unconcerned to the beginning of conscious member of society. The weight of one small bracelet resting in my palm brought with it a new knowledge and comprehension. I understood for the first time that my small network of contacts was not the only plot line, that my small pool of acquaintances was not the axis of the earth. It was in the few seconds that it took for me to fasten that tired yellow and black bracelet around my wrist, and the several y ears it took me to lose it, that Bella’s gentle unassuming influence altered my life.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The role of the teacher in teaching and learning mathematics Coursework

The role of the teacher in teaching and learning mathematics - Coursework Example spects that inform the existing teaching practices while leading to the modification of learner perception of the mathematics environment (Norton & DAmbrosio, 2008). Feedback is needed as students require information on their accomplishments for purposes of growing and progressing. Integration of maths in the learning areas is related to teaching mathematics and its outcomes. For example, testing requires a consideration of opportunities for learning mathematics. Additionally, mathematics teachers should be aware of how students progress and troublesome areas (Cooke & Buchholz, 2005). The early childhood teacher has a critical role in teaching and learning mathematics through questioning of constructivist environments. For example, the roles of mathematics teachers in questioning can be group discussions to enhance students’ participation in different classroom activities, it is critical to appreciate roles of efficient. Feedback that is related to the assessment of outcomes allows for learners to be aware of gaps existing between desired goals and current knowledge (Arthur, Death, Dockett & Farmer, 2012).The application of questioning within constructivist environment allows for feedback. Further illustrations steered questioning in a constructivist environment involves relating to early childhood classroom. The approach enhances students’ participation in classroom activities while teachers play important roles for the enhancement of student’s participation in classroom activities. A positive impact on mathematics teachers in childhood years promotes mathematics learning. The engagement of questioning through constructivist environment is related to sharing mathematics as an important component. The mathematics classroom assessment is defined a context created for students learners. The early childhood teacher has a critical role in the teaching and learning of mathematics and use of play resources and hands in rich environments. Understanding

Security Fundamental Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Fundamental - Research Paper Example Moreover, by utilizing IPv6 addressing scheme, brute force and other associated probe attacks can be prevented and for private IP addressing scheme, it will not be accessible from the external networks. In order to enforce a strong password policy, easy and guessable passwords must not be set. Moreover, there are certain rules that must be followed such as (Graves, n.d): The password must be kept confidential Password must be updated on periodic basis Password must be difficult to guess Passwords must be alphanumeric Maintaining password history for eliminating old password reusability Enabling Role based Access Control 256 bit encryption for passwords Enable self-password management for resetting and creating own passwords (Kim & Solomon,) one of the most tried and successful attacks for gaining password are brute force attacks, as the attacker tries different passwords until he retrieves the successful password. Likewise, the trend of this attack has forced network security experts to enforce password policies containing all the factors mentioned above. However, a continual improvement cycle is required for a sustainable password policy management system within the organization. After discussing the password policy, authentication is also an essential component for granting access to genuine users on data and servers. As per the scenario, a triple factor authentication model will be recommended. Likewise, a combination of password and access code is required to gain access to data and networks. Some of the examples include fingerprints or voice recognition along with password or retina scan with password. Moreover, for addressing repudiation issues, digital signatures can be used that will be provided by the third party i.e. Certificate Authority. A digital signature is simply a message that is digitally signed by the sender’s private key and can only be verified by anyone who possess or has access to the sender’s public key, therefore, proving authenticity that the sender has access to the private key (Argentina, 2009). Similarly, the â€Å"CA certi?cates are digital certi?cates issued by one certi?cation authority (CA) for another CA. CA certi?cate identi?es the certi?cation authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certi?cates to the servers and clients that request these certi?cates. Because it contains a public key used in digital signatures, it is also referred to as a signature certi?cate. If the CA is a root authority, the CA certi?cate may be referred to as a root certi?cate† (CA certificate.2007). Likewise, certificate Authority framework incorporates entitle management process, self-service management, Delegation of centralized rights to administrative staff, auditing, integration, reporting, scalability options and support for server and hosts. Cost for the Plan The cost that is estimated for this security plan will be around $30000 to $40000. The detail for this estimated amount is dem onstrated below: Cisco Router or Manageable Switch $20,000 to $25,000 Cisco ASA Firewall with Network and Host based Intrusion detection system $10,000 Dell Power Edge Server along with Windows Server 2008 operating system $2000 To sustain and secure data and computer networks of the electronic company, there are other factors that need to be addressed apart

Political Science Middle Eastern Politics Essay

Political Science Middle Eastern Politics - Essay Example Whatever the reasons, the establishment of Israel infuriated the Palestinians who deemed the Jewish state as occupation of their homeland including that of their second most important place of worship, the Aqsa Mosque. The most revered place of Muslim worship is the Ka'aba in Saudi Arabia. The Palestinians and Arabs felt that it was a total injustice to ignore the rights of the majority of the population of Palestine. The Arab League and Palestinian institutions rejected the UN partition plan supported by the United States, and formed volunteer armies that infiltrated into Palestine beginning in December of 1947. Thus the formation of Israel in 1948, laid the foundations of a conflict which took the lives of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis but even more devastating was the diaspora of Palestinians who took refuge in neighboring Arab countries fleeing the conflict and the associated socio-economic problems. While Israel was recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign state with rights to self-determination, the Palestinians remained a tribe without any rights. "The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a persistent source of tension for decades, for example, but it has taken on new dimensions in the aftermath of the failed Oslo process and the recent explosion of violence that shows no signs of abating." (Bensahel et al, 2003) In fact, no sooner was the Jewish state announced that the region was engulfed in a war: as the British left Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian began to invade the newly declared country. An armistice was soon reached with the mediation of the UN, but as the dust settled, Israel had conquered double the land it was originally allowed under the UN Partition Plan. In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed under the leadership of hardliner Yasser Arafat with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter called for the liquidation of Israel. Three years later, Israel conquered the West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. UN Resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal. This was followed sooner by the Yom Kippur war involving the Egyptians, Syrians and Israel. The signing of a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1979 ushered in an era of relative peace . But three years into this era, Israel attacked neighboring Lebanon and conquered most of its land in pursuit of wiping out PLO fighters. In 1993, the Oslo Declaration signed by Israel and the PLO called for mutual recognition. Two years later, the Palestine Authority was established. In 2005, Israel evacuated Gaza and parts of West Bank occupied in 1949. In the wake of the September 11 attack, Israel and Palestine Authority reached a peace accord but it was never implemented. The Arab countries as well as the former Soviet Bloc, the Non-Aligned

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sickle-cell anemia and malaria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sickle-cell anemia and malaria - Essay Example In other words, there are some natural selection traits that favor sickle cell-anemia allele in some individuals. Malaria occurs in the tropical zones and is caused by a protozoa transmitted by the anopheles female mosquito. As such, people from an African descent have the sickle cell anemia allele considering that heterozygotes for the allele are protected from malaria while not showing any significant characteristics of sickle-cell anemia. These people can then live to adult age and transfer these alleles to their offspring, which guarantees the transfer of the allele along the genetic line of individuals, leading to a new gene pool. Therefore, for some recessive alleles that are destructive to the recessive homozygotes, natural selection is an important process through which the heterozygotes of the recessive alleles have to survive (Sabeti, 2008). For instance, when an individual carrying the sickle cell allele is in an area where malaria is not prevalent, having the sickle cell anemia allele does not guarantee any survival advantage. As such, in countries such as United States, there are much fewer cases of sickle cell alleles compared to tropical regions such as in Africa. However, the disease is still reported among people of the African descent, though on low frequencies. This is because, the time required for the allele frequency to reduce significantly to negligible amounts has not passed. With the passage of time, the sickle cell anemia may become extinct in these areas. Application of advanced technologies would ensure individuals are in a position to make better and informed decisions on reproduction, which may help in ensuring extinction of a number of genetic diseases from passing through

Economic Development and Urban Revitalization Essay

Economic Development and Urban Revitalization - Essay Example Traceable to the reconstruction efforts envisaged after World War II, in an effort of reconstructing Europe, many new towns and cities became founded on this ideal (Bingham & Mier, 1994). As Michael and Robert (1996) allude, they were created around TOD communities with various TOD principles became incorporated into the planning and subsequent development of these areas. Half-a-mile radius circular planning has been the standardized measure between which TOD catchment areas were placed. This distance does correspond to a distance that is manageable, for existing populations to walk, in the quest of accessing transportation. The essence behind this is the provision of features designed with the intention of encouraging utility of public transport means; in addition to distinguishing such a development from what is considered urban sprawls. As part of a given region’s larger undertaking of community economic development, TODs do entail principles of CED strategy. This is primarily a strategic plan that aims at enhancing a given community’s economic development. This is informed by the fact that such strategies can be utilized in not only updating the region’s official Community Plans, but also zoning by-laws. This is informed by the fact that priorities based on economic development, often do have a fundamental impact on community policies; and specifically so, in regard to land-use planning. A professional in economic development would thus be majorly advantaged, having the requisite knowledge of CED strategy; to be further improved through TOD initiatives (Michael & Robert, 1996). In augmenting CED strategies with TOD planning as Fischer (1995) envisages, urban habitations are interconnected in a networked manner, via the prevailing transport network systems; thus enabling easy movement of goods and society.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Political Science Middle Eastern Politics Essay

Political Science Middle Eastern Politics - Essay Example Whatever the reasons, the establishment of Israel infuriated the Palestinians who deemed the Jewish state as occupation of their homeland including that of their second most important place of worship, the Aqsa Mosque. The most revered place of Muslim worship is the Ka'aba in Saudi Arabia. The Palestinians and Arabs felt that it was a total injustice to ignore the rights of the majority of the population of Palestine. The Arab League and Palestinian institutions rejected the UN partition plan supported by the United States, and formed volunteer armies that infiltrated into Palestine beginning in December of 1947. Thus the formation of Israel in 1948, laid the foundations of a conflict which took the lives of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis but even more devastating was the diaspora of Palestinians who took refuge in neighboring Arab countries fleeing the conflict and the associated socio-economic problems. While Israel was recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign state with rights to self-determination, the Palestinians remained a tribe without any rights. "The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a persistent source of tension for decades, for example, but it has taken on new dimensions in the aftermath of the failed Oslo process and the recent explosion of violence that shows no signs of abating." (Bensahel et al, 2003) In fact, no sooner was the Jewish state announced that the region was engulfed in a war: as the British left Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian began to invade the newly declared country. An armistice was soon reached with the mediation of the UN, but as the dust settled, Israel had conquered double the land it was originally allowed under the UN Partition Plan. In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed under the leadership of hardliner Yasser Arafat with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter called for the liquidation of Israel. Three years later, Israel conquered the West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. UN Resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal. This was followed sooner by the Yom Kippur war involving the Egyptians, Syrians and Israel. The signing of a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1979 ushered in an era of relative peace . But three years into this era, Israel attacked neighboring Lebanon and conquered most of its land in pursuit of wiping out PLO fighters. In 1993, the Oslo Declaration signed by Israel and the PLO called for mutual recognition. Two years later, the Palestine Authority was established. In 2005, Israel evacuated Gaza and parts of West Bank occupied in 1949. In the wake of the September 11 attack, Israel and Palestine Authority reached a peace accord but it was never implemented. The Arab countries as well as the former Soviet Bloc, the Non-Aligned

Economic Development and Urban Revitalization Essay

Economic Development and Urban Revitalization - Essay Example Traceable to the reconstruction efforts envisaged after World War II, in an effort of reconstructing Europe, many new towns and cities became founded on this ideal (Bingham & Mier, 1994). As Michael and Robert (1996) allude, they were created around TOD communities with various TOD principles became incorporated into the planning and subsequent development of these areas. Half-a-mile radius circular planning has been the standardized measure between which TOD catchment areas were placed. This distance does correspond to a distance that is manageable, for existing populations to walk, in the quest of accessing transportation. The essence behind this is the provision of features designed with the intention of encouraging utility of public transport means; in addition to distinguishing such a development from what is considered urban sprawls. As part of a given region’s larger undertaking of community economic development, TODs do entail principles of CED strategy. This is primarily a strategic plan that aims at enhancing a given community’s economic development. This is informed by the fact that such strategies can be utilized in not only updating the region’s official Community Plans, but also zoning by-laws. This is informed by the fact that priorities based on economic development, often do have a fundamental impact on community policies; and specifically so, in regard to land-use planning. A professional in economic development would thus be majorly advantaged, having the requisite knowledge of CED strategy; to be further improved through TOD initiatives (Michael & Robert, 1996). In augmenting CED strategies with TOD planning as Fischer (1995) envisages, urban habitations are interconnected in a networked manner, via the prevailing transport network systems; thus enabling easy movement of goods and society.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Indias Population Essay Example for Free

Indias Population Essay India with its 1.21 billion population occupies second place in the world next to China. India has about 17.5% of the world population with only 2.4% of the world area. The changes in the size and growth of India’s population are considered here in terms of two broad periods, namely Pre-Independence period and the Post-Independence period. The year 1881 is important in the sense that it was the year when the first census on a country wide basis was taken in India. Population of India: Pre Independence Period According to Herodotus (490 B. C.), India was one of the most populous countries in the world. Alexender’s army which invaded India in 327-326 B.C., found a large population. India’s first real empire under Chandragupta Maurya (321-297 B.C.) left records indicating the existence of a standing army of approximately 7,00,000 men. Only a very substantial population could have supported such a large army. The first national decadal census was conducted in 1881 recording a population of 225 million which declined to 251 million in 1921. The Population of India: Post Independence Period Till 1951, when the first census after independence was conducted, the decadal growth was around 13 to 14 percent, registering a gradual rise. 1961 recorded a growth of 21.5percent, which increased to 24.8 and 24.7 percent in 1971 and 1981 respectively. In 1991 the growth rate slightly declined to 23.6 percent. It is a matter of concern that the decadal population growth rate has declined to 21.2 percent in 2001 which further declined to 17.6 percent in 2011. It is estimated that by 2028 India will double its population and it will become the most populous country in the world by 2035. Population Planning in Five Year Plans : India is the first country of the world to adopt the population planning to control its population as an official policy. After an expansion of clinical services in the first two five year plans, the third plan which started in an environment of shock, changed its strategy to extension approach which continued in the fourth plan too. The fifth Five Year Plan (1974-1979) has been unique in the history of the country as a new Family Planning Programme was opted during this. The National Population Policy Statement of April 1976 was the most articulate renunciation of the official policy. The following were its main features: 1. Increase the legal minimum age at marriage from 15 to 18 years for females and 18 to 21 years for males. 2. Freezing the population at the 1971 level for determining representation in Parliament and the State Legislatures up to 2000 A.D. 3. 1971 population was considered as the base for allocation of Central assistance to the State Plans. 4. Eight percent of Central Assistance to the States was to be linked with family planning programme performance. 5. The allotment of houses and loans were to be linked to family size. The eighth Five Year Plan (1992-1997) set the population goal for achieving a net reproductive rate of one by turn of the century and zero population growth by the year 2050 A.D. The immediate objective of the National Population Policy 2000 was to address the unmet needs for contraception, health care infrastructure. In the eleventh Plan which started in 2007, it was emphasised that only through a multi- pronged strategy of combining fertility control measure and welfare measures with population education for people at large and youths in particular along with making school education up to age 14 free and compulsory and reducing drop outs at primary and secondary school levels below 20 percent for both boys and girls, the population goal of India can be achieved. For the twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017), it has been emphasised to improve healthcare infrastructure and implementation of making education compulsory for all the children till the age of 14. Adverse Consequences of Population Explosion: The population explosion, which is undermining all our efforts towards development of the country, is perhaps the single most pressing problems faced by it. The recent census has revealed that while there has been a decline in the rate of growth of population, still the growth rate of 1.7 percent per annum is quite high. If the population growth continues as at present, the country will have such a large population which would be virtually unmanageable. Despite best efforts, it would not be possible to provide even the basic necessities of life to the people at large. Such relentless population growth would also create havoc to our environment and will lead to ecological crises. It has considerable impact on natural resource uses and socio economic development. Rapid population growth will also mean increased urbanization, which may lead to more diseases and further deterioration of water and sewer systems and various pollutions. Future Directions: There cannot be only one miracle formula which will cover the entire country. The main barriers of population control such as poverty, illiteracy, son – preference etc. need to be removed. Since these barriers operate simultaneously at different levels, it is difficult and rather impractical to assign priorities to them. It is obvious that increase in literacy and educational status of women will have positive effects on population control, infant mortality, health care, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene. Further, it will result in raising the age of marriage, improved knowledge of contraception and adoption of small family norm. Population control and Family Welfare Programme need to have a national consensus, cutting across political, religious and cultural differences. It should be based on active community participation and has to be transformed from a Government Programme into People’s Movement. Population education should be part of school and college education. It should also form an important ingredient of adult education and non-formal education. Communication strategies should be so devised as to be effective enough to bring about attitudinal changes and dispel apathy, ignorance and misgivings about family planning and small family norm. In conclusion, it is important that people not only have proper health services which are both accessible and available, but they should also have access to employment which will provide them with financial security. People must be made educated and have awareness, as education itself is the best contraceptive. People should realize that having a girl child does not mean carrying a heavy burden.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Pump Condition Monitoring Engineering Essay

The Pump Condition Monitoring Engineering Essay To avoid unplanned downtime, realize energy savings or other considerations, pump users require a method or tool to determine the appropriate time for overhaul of a pump. This method or tool is used by engineers in managing assets to provide capacity for production and energy efficiency to save operating expenses or even to minimize greenhouse impact.   This optimization method can be applied to all items where deterioration results in equipment breakdowns or loss of efficiency. Pumps like any rotating machine tend to rotate in response to excitation forces like residual rotor unbalance, turbulence in liquid flow, pressure pulses, cavitations and wear of pump. If vibration frequencies and natural frequencies match, resonance occurs, amplifying the vibrations. This is a sufficient cause to damage pump components Why Pump Condition Monitoring is important: (Source Pumps are used at about 20% of the worlds most electrical power generating companies. about 7% of the worlds green houses gas productions. power and preservation usually covers more than 50% of Life sequence expenses. Statistics show that 20% or more of the energy devoted by pumping systems could be saved throughout equipment and control alters. Pumps are frequently considered critical mechanism of a process. Plant reliability is best possible when they are maintained on a regular basis or nonstop state monitoring. Performance based maintenance costs are considerably lesser than a schedule based costs. Hence it becomes very important to Condition Monitor the pumps. Chapter -2: Aim Objectives The object of this research study is to critically study Condition Monitoring of both, Centrifugal and axial pumps. That will include most important aspects like: Condition Monitoring and its Part in Maintenance Pump Performance and the Effect of Wear Performance Analysis and Testing of Pumps for Condition Monitoring Performance Analysis and its Application to Optimise Time for Overhaul Other Methods of Performance Analysis for Pump Condition Monitoring Vibration Analysis of Pumps Other Uses of Condition Monitoring Other Condition Monitoring Methods Positive Displacement Pumps Case Studies Chapter -3: Project plan Attached with this report Chapter -4: Introduction About Pumps Pumps are used to add energy to fluids. Generally it is done by using a rotating blade to force a fluid in a given direction. Classification of pumps: PUMPS Centrifugal Pumps Positive Displacement Pumps Radial Flow Pumps Axial Flow Pumps Reciprocating Pumps Rotary Pumps Gear Pumps Piston Pumps Progressive Cavity Pumps Plunger Pumps Screw Pumps Diaphragm Pumps Lobe Pumps [Figure-1: Different types of Pumps] a) Positive Displacement pumps: A positive displacement pump, as the name suggests, pushes a fluid by containing a fixed amount of it and then displacing the entire contained volume into the pipe. Positive displacement pumps produce a constant flow at any given speed and hence are called Constant Flow Machines. These are used for pumping fluids other than water. Following types of mechanism are used to displace the fluid: a1) Reciprocating Type: Reciprocating pumps are plunger pumps or diaphragm pumps. Diaphragm  valves. Recently used for slurries treatment in plants, and are used to force dangerous, toxic materials. a2) Rotary Type: These pumps use rotation principle. These are mostly used in, oil burners, soaps, cosmetics, sugars, syrup, and molasses, as well in dyes, ink, bleaches, vegetable and mineral oils. Gear pump: Two gears rotates in a closely fitted casing. A common application of the gear pump is the engine oil pump in car engines. 3655-004-DFDC07E0 [Figure-2: Gear Pump] Progressing cavity type pump: These are applied for pumping sewage sludge contaminated with large particles. Helical shaped rotor is used. [Figure-3: Progressive Cavity Pump], (Image Source: Lobe Pumps: Fluid is passed between the rotors teeth and the volute chamber. lobethe [Figure-4: Lobe Pump] Screw Pumps: Screw pump transmits fluid into the spaces between the screw gears. screw23muthÄ ±s [Figure-5: Screw Pump] b) Centrifugal pump: They are widely used in general piping systems. These are used for pumping water in industry and constitute 75% of pumps installed b1) Radial Flow Pump In a Radial Flow pump, fluid is discharged in a direction perpendicular to the direction of intake or suction. The fluid flowing into the pump first makes contact with a spinning impeller. This deflects the fluid away from it. The fluid is pushed out through a circular casing around the impeller. In this case fluid pressure increased not the speed. Fluid is sucked into the pump along the axis of rotation of the impeller. It is accelerated in a perpendicular direction into a diffuser chamber. From here it is discharged into the outlet pipe. Centrifugal pumps are applied where there is small head and large discharge is required. These have high hydraulic efficiency. These are used in waste treatment plants. Screw type centrifugal pumps are very effective in sludge handling , comprising of fibrous elements and for handling sludge with up to 10% dry matter . centrifugalpumps11 [Figure-6: Centrifugal Pump] (Image source : b2) Axial flow pumps: In an axial pump, the discharge and suction are both in the same direction. Flow is along the axis of the blade. Axial pumps are used to increase of speed of fluid flow without increase of pressure. They have high flow rates and can operate at very low pressure. QZ-Axial-Flow-Pump [Figure-7:Axial Flow Pump] Chapter -5: Maintenance and Condition Monitoring: About Maintenance: The intention of performing maintenance is to provide optimum capacity of production at the lower cost. Maintenance should be preferred for reliability and not as repair. There are 4 Types of Maintenance, which are given below: (a) Preventive Maintenance: This type of maintenance prevents failure from occurring. It comprises of scheduled periodic maintenance checks. Such maintenance prevents breakdowns and ensures delay free functioning. The advantages of preventive maintenance include: Enhanced systems dependability. reduces cost of substitute. cuts system downtime. Better standby account management. (b) Corrective Maintenance: Maintenance performed to correct an error after a failure has occurred is corrective maintenance. The failed component may require restoration , repair or replacement. (c) Breakdown Maintenance: If a machine breaks down or malfunctions , breakdown maintenance is performed to return it to normal functioning. This is done by replacing or repairing parts. (d) Predictive Maintenance: This type of maintenance consists of methods of observing the condition of in service machines and thus predicting when maintenance is required to be performed. This method reduces costs as compared to preventive maintenance as tasks are only performed when necessary. Condition monitoring is a type of predictive maintenance. It involves prediction of condition of a machine by on monitoring its performance, statistical process control or equipment behaviour to detect defects at an early stage and rectify them, which could otherwise result in delays leading to unnecessary expenditure. Maintenance is performed while the machine/ equipment is in operating regularly , with little or no interruption in its functioning. The methods for detection of errors include infrared thermographs, circuit analysis, analysis of vibrations etc. Predictive Maintenance or Condition monitoring a smart way to reduce downtime and reduce cost. The fundamental purpose of maintenance is to contribute for profit objectives, by maximizing the production and safety of people and plant. This report will explore how maintenance should be used as a tool to keep pumps working to its optimum level. Condition based maintenance: Definition of Condition Monitoring: Condition monitoring is part of maintenance, not something done by experts from outside (Beebe, 2001) Signs of degradation are detected in operational equipment by monitoring the equipment through continuous inspection. Data collected is analysed , and a prediction is made for the duration in which a machine can run safely without failure. Condition Monitoring is the art of monitoring of the equipments health by taking simple measurements of the machine performance. It works the same as a Doctor checks (measure) the health by checking pulse, temperature, blood pressure etc of a person. If we measure the current draw and the outlet flow of a pump and find out that that the current draw was increasing while the outlet flow was decreasing, as compared to the previous months measurements, there are very good chances that the condition is deteriorating and that some maintenance was due for the pump, The scheduling of the monitoring is decided by the size of plan, ease of data collection etc. This may be done everyday, once a month or on an annual basis. Advanced technology may be used for condition monitoring. It may not be limited to Vibration sensors Infrared Thermographs Oil sensors Ultrasonic equipment Motor Current Analysis Pump life cycle costs Pump life cycle cost is defined as the sum of the commissioning cost, maintenance cost, running cost and decommissioning cost for the period of a pumps service life. Complete understanding of the pumps lifecycle cost helps us to radically reduce the energy consumed , thus greatly reducing the pumps environmental impact PLCC = Cin + Cins + Cpo + Cop + Cm + Cd + Cen + Cdc PLCC = life cycle cost Cin = initial costs, purchase price (pump, system, pipe, other services) Cins = installation and commissioning cost (including training) Cpo = power consumed costs Cop = operation costs Cm = maintenance and repair costs (routine and predicted repairs) Cd = delay costs (loss of production). Cen = environmental costs (contamination from pumped liquid ) Cdc = decommissioning (counting renovation of the home Environment) Maintenance Cost of a Pump in its Life Cycle: [Figure-8: Maintenance Cost] (Image Source: The costs for maintenance are dependent on the actual equipment involved , records can be consulted to make cost estimates. The annual cost has to include the following: Value of spare parts used. Charge for any third party work. plant employment. workplace charges. Normally Maintenance cost of a Pump within its life cycle is estimated 20%. Pump selection reliability factors Reliability of machines, has been increasingly debated in recent years . Low reliability of commonly used centrifugal pumps has been a focal point of this debate. Pump selection is very important its reliability. But it is not the only factor for reliable pump operation. Other critical installation parameters are also important. The main factor for enhanced reliability is selecting the right pump. Pump Selection The first step in pump selection is deciding the pump parameters. The head and capacity required have to be calculated. There are three major conditions related to reliability which affect selection; operating speed (FR), impeller diameter (FD) and flow rate (FQ). Operating Speed RPM (FR) Wear based on operating speed caused due to friction in rubbing contact surfaces like mechanical seals and shaft seals affects the reliability. Life of bearings and heat generated in bearings is another cause for lack of reliability. For all the above mentioned conditions wear has a linear relationship with the operating speed of the pump. Impeller Diameter (FD) The impeller exerts a significant load on the shaft and bearings . This directly affects the reliability of the pump. Two types of loads are produced; one is due to the non uniform pressure distribution in the casing, the second is due to the interaction between the blades of the impeller and the discharge. This second effect is extremely hazardous as it forces the seal faces to move away from each other repeatedly during each revolution. The intensity of this movement may be greater than steady deflection. There is a cubic proportionality between these loads and the impeller diameter. Flow Rate (FQ) The flow rate of a centrifugal pump is the best efficiency point or BEP. Pumps are designed in such a way that they are most reliable only at a given flow rate for a specific operating speed and impeller diameter. The loads exerted on impeller at this flow rate are minimised. If the flow rate is more or less than the BEP than the load intensity increases and there is turbulence in the rotation of the impeller. Such unpredictable loads share the same effects on reliability as the impeller/discharge loads discussed above. Pumps are examined to check the ability to withstand the effects of these impacts. The main parameters of the tests are: R.P.M. Impeller dimensions. Flow velocity. Pump shaft to motor alignment. N.P.S.H. Margin. Reliability Index (RI) The Reliability directory is shaped as a product of three factors: RI = FR x FD x FQ Values vary from zero to one; the higher the value the better the dependability is. Techniques of Condition Monitoring Vibration Monitoring Analysis: is commonly used as a Monitoring analysis. It helps to determine the structural stability in a system. It is best suitable for rotating machines like pumps. Vibration measuring instruments are used for measurement. The frequency of the vibrations are mapped. If a defect is present a particular frequency will be detected. Analysis made previously on existing equipment can be compared to analysis on new equipment. This data will give the condition of the equipment. vibration [Figure-9:Vibration Chart] (Source: Visual Inspection: Devices like mirrors, TV Camers are used for Visual inspection. Visual inspection in its most basic form may also be done by experienced inspectors and maintenance technicians. Causes of failure like cracks, leaks and corrosion can be detected and prevented. This is the cheapest form of condition monitoring. It also adds a sense of attachment between the equipment and the people who work on it. Only visual inspection technique is not enough. It should be augmented by other techniques. Performance Monitoring and Analysis: Analysis is done on usage of energy, as more energy usage means deteriorating condition of the machine. Performace can bne measured with parameters like Pressure, flow rate or temperature etc. Analysis of wear particles in lubricants or contamination of process fluid: This process gives advance warning than many other predictive maintenance methods. oilanalysis [Figure-10: Contamination of Process Fluid] (Source: Spectrographic oil analysis may be used to test the chemical composition of the oil. Chemical analysis of oil is carried out for appearance, density, viscosity, moisture content, mechanical impurities. High silicon content points to a presence of contamination of grit.. etc, and high iron levels indicate to tiring components. Independently, elements give reasonable indications, but when used together they can accurately determine the failure modes, e.g. for internal combustion engines, the presence of iron/alloy, and carbon would indicate damaged piston rings. (Source: Ferrous and non ferrous particles in the lubricant may be detected by wear debris detection sensors which can give a warning if the condition of the equipment deteriorates. This system prevents failure in machines like gearboxes , turbines, pumps etc. Ultrasonic Analysis: Time and frequency data from ultrasonic tests can reveal a lot on the health of a machine. Portable ultrasonic testing equipment is now a common tool for noticing leaks, testing steam traps, finding cavitations, bearing condition testing and toughness testing. What are Ultrasound Signals? Ultrasound refers to noise of frequency beyond the range of the human ear. For detecting airborne leaks, the frequency at which the most sound is produced by an unstable leak is 38.4 kHz. There are instruments, which listens to this frequency to detect leaks. Electronics processing is required to make ultrasound audible. This is done filtering of frequencies. Why Record Ultrasound Signals? Judgment, Trending, verification of analysis. Guidance of Maintenance observers. Examination of low speed bearings. Investigation of electrical defects. Inspecting of steam traps. Analysis of reciprocating compressors. How to Record Ultrasound Signals? Regulates rise of detector. Corrects level of recording device. Spins Auto Gain Control . Records the signal and transfer to PC. Opens signals in computer for laboratory analysis. The classic time signal for a bearing defect gives a goldfish envelope like this:. (Thomas J. Murphy) ultrasound_analysis_07 [Figure-11:Ultra sound signals] Infrared Thermography Temperature is the best indicator of the state of a machine. One can check the temperature of any surface and determine the condition of a machine.. Infrared Thermography is an inspection technique which gives accurate, reliable and correct temperature outline of any material exterior without getting in touch with the surface. The essential perceptive of thermography is that every object produces certain amount of Infrared energy and the intensity of this radiation is a task of temperature, hence by measuring infrared radiation, temperature of surface can be calculated. (Garnaik) Infrared thermography is a fast and secure way of detecting imperfections in different conditions. Infrared cameras can be used to detect increases in temperature that indicate latent problems. These may increase the temperature of electrical contacts or insulators. IR thermography can easily be carried out during normal operation of equipment as it is non contact. This reduces downtime. Advantages Disadvantages of IR Thermography Following are advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Advantages : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is a non-contact type technique, and modern Infrared camera can be used . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is Fast, reliable accurate output. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Time required to measure large surface area is very less. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The output can be presented in visual digital form. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Since the output can be presented in visual form, there is little skill required for monitoring. Disadvantages : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Instrument cost is very high. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ This technique is used to work out the temperature of surface. It is unable to detect the inside temperature Noise monitoring Noise level are taken every month at designated locations. Steps for implementation of Condition Monitoring Technique for Pumps Selection of equipment Selection of parameters / probe Selection of monitoring frequency Preparation of schedule Preparation of database. Actual monitoring and analysis Selection of monitoring frequency Daily (for critical equipments) Fortnightly (for sub critical equipments).) [Figure-12: Condition Monitoring Steps] Benefits of Condition monitoring Condition monitoring has become a proven method and has become essential part of industries as companies has proven its cost benefits. Condition monitoring gives early detection of wear out/damage. Condition Monitoring people tour the plant and picks up developing faults Deterioration is detected in time and repairs are scheduled. It minimises unnecessary shutdown and opening up of plant Cost of labour, material and loss of production is saved More satisfying work of maintenance, less effect of errors because of direct feedback of quality work. Judicious use of Condition monitoring can yield 10 to 20 times the initial outlay within first year (IK Dept trade Industry report, maintenance to late 1990s) Condition monitoring reassurance of safe continued operation(and vary effective when nursing on plant to a suitable maintenance opportunity) Condition Monitoring saves cost reduce spare usage and lower insurance. Cost Savings from Condition Monitoring A Quick cost saving estimate is made to calculate the cost saving easily. Quick cost saving estimate at each inspection saves delays. For example, a coupling is found broken and approximate to cause about 2 hours of delay leads to an unplanned maintenance job. The calculation: Cost A: If the coupling broke down without warning: Delay * Cost of Delay/hr + Direct maintenance cost (unplanned Unscheduled) + Potential damages Cost B: Maintenance during scheduled shutdown. Actual cost of maintenance: Delay (if any should be fixed in scheduled shutdown) * Cost of Delay/hr + direct maintenance cost (planned scheduled) + Damages(= 0) . A- B = Cost saving, which may be as high as thousands of Dollars Following is a Case study of Qatar Petroleum, which shows a huge saving of costs because of Condition Monitoring: Case Study: 141. K0302 FLUE GAS FAN Current Drawn before balancing the Fan: 83 Ampere Current drawn post balancing the fan : 76 Ampere Net Current reduction: 7 Amps (Hourly Average) Power Saving = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡3 x V x I x Cos  ¢ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡3 x 11 x 7 x 0.85 KWh Annual Cost Savings = 113.3X0.081X24X365 (Power Cost = 0.081QR/Kwh) = 80393 QR/Year Last Six Months Predicted Failures at Qatar Petroleum Standards used for condition monitoring (Source: ISO 13381-1:2004 provides guidance. The basic purpose is to: Let the clients, manufacturers of condition monitoring and diagnostics systems to share general thoughts in the fields of machinery error analysis. Allow users to determine the essential information, characteristics and behaviour necessary for accurate estimate. Outlines an appropriate approach to predict development. Introduces predictions concepts in order to ease the development of future systems and training. ISO 18436-6:2008: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Prognostics Part 1: General guidelines ISO 18436-6:2008 states the needs for qualification and evaluation of personnel who perform machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics using acoustic production. A certificate or declaration of conformity to ISO 18436-6:2008 will provide credit of the qualifications and ability of individuals to perform acoustic production measurements and analysis machinery condition monitoring using acoustic emission equipment. This procedure may not apply to particular equipment or other explicit situations. ISO 18436-6:2008 specifies a three class classification programme. ISO 18434-1:2008 provides an introduction to the application of infrared thermography (IRT) to machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics, where machinery includes machine auxiliaries such as valves, fluid and electrically powered machines, and machinery-related heat exchanger equipment. In addition, IR applications pertaining to machinery performance assessment are addressed. ISO 18434-1:2008: introduces the terminology of IRT as it pertains to state checking and diagnostics of machines; explains the types of IRT procedures and their qualities; provides leadership on establishing cruelty appraisal criteria for anomalies identified by IRT; outlines methods and requirements for carrying out IRT of machines, including safety suggestions; provides information on data understanding, and appraisal criteria and reporting requests; provides measures for determining and compensating for reflected obvious temperature, emissivity, and attenuating media. ISO 18434-1:2008 also includes testing procedures for determining and recompense a reflected obvious temperature, emissivity, and attenuating media when measuring the exterior temperature of an aim with a quantitative IRT camera. ISO 18436-3:2008: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process ISO 18436-3:2008 defines the requirements for operating training programmes for personnel who carry out machinery condition monitoring, recognize machine faults, and propose corrective action. Procedures for training of condition monitoring and diagnostic personnel are specified. ISO 18436-7:2008  : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 7: Thermography ISO 18436-7:2008 specifies the requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel who perform machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics using infrared thermography. An official document or declaration of conventionality to ISO 18436-7:2008 will provide recognition of the qualifications and competence of individuals to do thermal measurements and investigate machinery condition monitoring using moveable thermal imaging equipment. This procedure may not apply to particular equipment or other precise situations. ISO 18436-7:2008 specifies a three category classification programme. ISO 13373-1:2002  : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Vibration condition monitoring Part 1: General procedures ISO 13373-2:2005  : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Vibration condition monitoring Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data ISO 13373-2:2005 recommends actions for dealing out and presenting vibration data and analysing vibration signatures for the reason of monitoring the vibration state of rotating machinery, and performing diagnostics as suitable. Different methods are described for different applications. Signal improvement techniques and analysis methods used for the investigation of exacting machine dynamic phenomena are included. Many of these techniques can be applied to other machine types, as well as reciprocating machines. Example formats for the parameters that are commonly plotted for valuation and diagnostic purposes are as well given. ISO 13373-2:2005 is divided basically into two essential approaches when analysing vibration signals; the time domain and the frequency domain. Some approaches to the modification of diagnostic results, by changing the operational circumstances, are also covered. Pump Performance and the Effect of Wear Pumps wear as they are used but their efficiency can be maintained by Condition monitoring and accordingly refurbishment: [Figure-13: Effect of wear on pump characteristics] Source: (European commission Joint Research Center) [Figure-14: Average wear trends for maintained and unmaintained pumps] Source: (European commission Joint Research Center) Effect of internal wear on pump performance The effect of Internal wear on pump is dependent on type of Pump . Slurry pumps are Designed to cope with erosive liquids. Total operating cost can be reduced by improving wear life. Wear is increased by High Velocity, large solid size and high concentration. Chapter -6: Performance Analysis and Testing of Pumps for Condition Monitoring The aims of testing a systems pump performance are to: Record system pumps performance. Verifying the impeller size at present installed in the pump. Launch the system curve for the pumping system. Establish the operating point of the pump; i.e. the point where the pumps impeller curve intersects the system curve with the discharge valve throttled and with the discharge valve fully open. Measures the match between full flow flow delivered by the pump with the discharge valve fully open and the real plan flow requirement. Considers the implications of throttled discharge valves and opportunities to open discharge valves and adjust pump performance by means of trimming the impeller, changing the motor to get an incremental motor/pump speed change or installing a VFD to change the motor/pump speed to a non-incremental value. The objective of all of these modification techniques is to provide design flow without the head forced by the throttled valve. As a consequence, the system will advantage from reduced pump energy use and operating costs. Considers the flow variations produced in the system as different active elements are repositioned by their control processes. becomes aware of and make a diagnosis of other control or performance problems. Performance analysis needs performing data Temperature Pressure Flow Speed Power Efficiency Calculation [Figure-15: Pumps in System and relationship to Condition Monitoring] Chapter -7: Performance Analysis and its Application to Optimize Time for Overhaul The head test at Duty Point Like it is known that condition monitoring is used as a tool for Predicting maintenance requirements of pumps. The Head Flow examination is the essential way can be used to inspect assumed poor performance. ( Head flow measurement is a useful type of condition monitoring because it checks pump deterioration and also shows flaws in system resistance.. (Heinz P. Bloch) It is easier to determine the head. alter in volume according to the time can be easily measured if an appropriate vessel i