Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Organizational behaviour examples - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3299 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? This essay will consider key principles, theories and examples of specific organizational behaviour topics like personality, motivation and group and team working. All three themes are quite related to each other, because in a group or a team there are some people with different personalities and they all need those people need a motivation to work in groups or teams. To understand all topics, the essay is structured into three main parts. First, the explanation of personality, which is define as the distinctive and relatively enduring pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that can characterize persons response to his or her environment will be described. The secrets of motivations driving forces in individuals that affects their direction, intension and persistence of work behaviour will be explained further in the second section, and in particular the motivation will be reviewed. Finally the nature and behaviour of working in the team or a group will be discus sed. The main point in this essay will be to explain and consider the implications of personality, motivation at work and also group and team working. All over the world there is enormous number of organisations, like big worldwide corporations such as Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Apple or McDonalds, local companies such as Morrisons or Tesco, grocery shops around the corner or even clan of mafia, all of them have got several things in common, for example people with different personalities working in various positions and having the same ambition to increase output and profits. There are a lot of researches done how to improve job performance by different means and how to keep workers satisfied at the same time. But, why does managers must know what personalities of their employees are? Do workers have the same traits as their colleagues? What for personalitys revelation is useful for managers and their inferiors? How do the personality characteristics influence motivation at work? Why do some people find it difficult to work in a team, while others are a good team players? If you ask people What do you know about personality? majority of them might feel they understand and know the right answer, because we need to admit we use this term quite often. But what exactly is the personality? According to John Bratton (2007) personality is the distinctive and relatively enduring pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that characterizes a persons response to her or his environment. Personality rests on the observation that people seem to behave somewhat consistently over time and across different situations. Thus, the patterns of thinking, feeling and actions that are viewed as reflecting a persons personality typically have three characteristics. First, they are seen as elements of identity that distinguish that individual from other people. Second, the individuals behaviours seem to interconnect in a meaningful fashion, suggesting an inner element that shapes and directs behaviour. Third, the behaviours are viewed as being caused primarily by internal rather than contextual factors. Moreover, personality prescribes a group of original person characteristics, including emotions, motivation, valuation, interest, attitudes and competences. (Gordon 2002) Personality is possibly the area in psychology which assists employers to connect with labourers easily. Analyses of personality put these persons characteristics together to help managers to understand individuals. They also are admired the behaviour of others and want to know why workers act as they do and what makes them tick (Butt 2004). In the humanistic psychology the most common models of traits incorporate three to five broad dimensions or factors. The personality of humans is classified according to the characteristics supposedly produced by the dominance of one of the four humorous: black bile, blood, phlegm and yellow bile in the individuals bodies. Optimistic or sanguine people ar e cheerful and passionate. Melancholic people have a pessimistic temperament. Phlegmatic individuals are calm and unexcitable and lastly choleric people are bad-tempered and usually very irritable. Although subsequent research discredited the humoral theory, the notion that people can be classified into different personality types per is existing even not present. What is more, trait theorists therefore is trying to clarify various descriptors into a manageable number of the main personality traits that people display all the time, in order to understand and be able to predict human behaviour. Hans J. Eysenck (1916-1997), is well known British psychologist, who used analysis to devise his own theory of personality. According to his research, Eysenck concluded that normal personality can be understood in terms of three basic factors or dimensions: introversion extroversion, stability instability and psychoticism. Introversion refers to a reserved nature and the pursuit of solita ry activities, people which are introverts tend to be shy, thoughtful and risk avoiders. The opposite ones, extroverts, are likely to be sociable, spontaneous and be willing to take risks. Psychotism refers to an aggressive and antisocial nature, people are aggressive, cold, moody and unstable. Another Austrian physician Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed the influential psychoanalytic theory of personality. According to Freud, personality is made up three separate but interacting parts: the id, the ego and the superego. This research convinced that personality develops out of each persons struggle to meet persons basic needs in a world. Freud proposed that an individuals personality is determined by conscious, preconscious and unconscious brain activity, with the unconscious part of the mind exerting great influence on consciousness and behaviour. However, trait theorists have made an important contribution by focusing attention on the value of indentifying, classifying and measuring stable and enduring personality characteristics. But as has been argued elsewhere, researchers need to pay more attention to how traits interact with personality. There is a tendency for researchers to make predictions on the basis of a single measured personality trait without taking into account other personality factors that also might influence the action in question. While managers tend to think of diversity in terms of such factors as gender, ethnic origin or race, the variety of personalities in the workplace are also very important. Personality attributes determine how people communicate with other workers, whether they can work on their own without supervision, whether they behave ethically or not and more. John Holland best articulated the view that organisations should consider aligning the requirements of the job and the characteristics of the workplace with personality characteristics. At the present, awareness that organizations should focus on the degree of congruence between the individual and his or her work environment has expanded because of the need for workers to change and adapt to new work structures and employment relations. These include team working, individual performance and organizational culture. The major methods used by organizations to assess personality and predict work behaviour are interview, inventories, behaviour assessment, personality test and e-assessment. However, some critical organisational theorists argue that testing measures what is effectively stereotype of an ideal worker or manager. It might seem obvious that someones personality is a good predictor of job performance, but Frederick P. Morgeson, professor of Management at Michigan State University, says that the relationship between the two is often highly tenuous. One obvious criticism of personality tests is potential for faked answers as candidates seek to present themselves to employers in the best possible way. But the problems with persona lity testing run far deeper than this. According to Kevin Murphy, the professor of Pennsylvania State University, as predictors of a job performance, their validity is disappointingly low.. Nevertheless, while this might suggest that companies ought to reconsider their use of personality measures is making important hiring decisions and key appointments, Frederick Morgeson said that better ways to predict job performance include work samples, cognitive ability tests and structured interviews, all areas in which organizational psychology could greatly benefit human resource managers. Finally, personality assessment based on limited information can be very damaging to every organization. Indentify personality types are embedded only in the organization at the large and the inner tensions. Every human action must be carried out in a number of reasons. In most cases we do something because we want it to. And those desires form our needs. Need is the lack of the internal psychologica l or social sense. Then the individual finds out what he is lack of, he is trying to look for ways to meet his needs. Human needs are very different one of them is the essential necessities of life, such as their life satisfaction is a necessary condition for the support, while others are psychological, social or even philosophical nature. If our needs are being not satisfied they soon become the motives, motives which promote us to work, to make so action, to make changes. Motivation is the process which stimulates us to achieve certain goals. English and French dictionary of terms the word motivation describe as just simply what motivates, ect. Energy depended on individuals actions or the methods which help to increase the motivation of the individuals. I. Balciuniene suggests using the opportunity to separate two concepts motivation as noun and motivation as verb: work motivation is made from conscious and unconscious forces of rising energy, which involves connections betw een the task and individual and determines the behaviour and orientation in the work.; the impact of staff motivation we should call motivation and its effects on the methods and means motivation tools. (Balciuniene, 1996). Similarly those two terms are appointed by foreign scientists: Motivation the psychological feature that determines the degree of personal commitment. This includes all factors responsible for locating and supporting human behaviour in a certain obligation direction. And the statement of reasons is the management process which reflects the impact of the behaviour of people. (Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr., 2000, p. 434). Motivation self and other personal call to operate in favour of individual or organization. (Neverauskas, Find, 2000, p. 66). Thus, Motivation as noun is defined as energy and as a psychological characteristic of the internal stimulation called incentive system, the driver of humans behaviour; motivation as verb the effect of motivation, promoti on, the process which encourages and directs to act. It is not enough that present activities are being coordinated the activities should be encouraged, motivating employees realize their mental capabilities better. Managers are willing to apply to each individual eligible employee motivation measures interested in the work, you should know that individual very well. Motives basis of human actins, which can be formed in some form when individuals needs cant be fully satisfied. So as the motives stimulate the person, it must: The goal must be worthy attention; The goal must stimulate; The goal must be realistic. The importance of motivation is very high. Motivation a behaviour promotion system leads human behaviour into the right direction and helps maintain a whole-employment period. Motivation is well thought action and it does not happen by itself. Promotion of growth potential, ability to assume responsibility for objectives of the organization itself is charact erized by humans. Task for managers is to help their employees to recognize and to develop them, as well as to make conditions and do practices so that employees in the company to achieve its goals, and together make him or her useful for the company. It is very useful to know at least the main theories of motivation, and be able to judge the relevance of them in particular contexts. Content theories of motivation assume that all workers possess a common set of basic needs. Process theories, on the other hand, explain work motivation in terms of a cognitive process workers go through before and during their behaviour. They assume that how individuals think about their work situation will affect their behaviour. The most well known theory is Maslows hierarchy of needs. Psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that people have built-in set of five basic needs, which can arranged in a hierarchy such as physiological, safety, social, self-esteem and self-actualization as from in pyramid from the bottom to the top where going closer to the pyramids top the individual can find his high-order needs. Maslows theory of needs is based on the fallowing assumptions: one people ten d to meet their own needs, but it is not possible to fulfil all their needs so they have to reduce them and another is that all people have the same needs. Maslows pyramid of needs is a system in which the higher level of demand does not rise till the lower level needs is not satisfied. And he point out that people can simultaneously meet only one levels need at once. Although, this theory has some drawbacks in the practice. Critics say that people can simultaneously meet the immediate needs from different lever, for example, then individuals are having lunch they meet their physiological and communication needs. Others tell that this is an abstract philosophical theory and it cannot be suitable for specific individuals, because people are very different. Maslows need hierarchy appears to offer an advice to managers. But one of the major problems with his theory is that it is extremely difficult to identify which need is dominant at any given time. Without this information managers cannot confidently redesign the workplace or emphasize work-based learning to appeal to their employees self-esteem or self-actualization needs, for instance: this might not in reality be their main motivators. If managers really want to change and improve the outcomes of the work of employees, they must take an active role in the management of reasoning process. This is not what is happening just by itself. Furthermore, motivation is a complex phenomenon and to understand it is not so easy. The group or a team concept is one of the most important organizational developments to hit business since the industrial revolution (Manz and Sims 1993). Work groups are not something invented by management consultants. History shows that they have been part of human social development since ancien t times. For thousands of years men and women lived in small hunting and gathering groups, and later they lived in small farming or fishing groups. It is only in the last 200 years, with the advent of industrial capitalism and the development of the factory system, that small groups became the exception rather that the rule (Johnson 2000). In the international Words Dictionary, the word command is described as a small group of individuals with the intension to do a certain task. Hence, a group of people working together as a team is very important in the working situations and learnt things applicability and usefulness in specific situations is a critical feature. So team work key elements are cooperation, mutual support and balance of variety of different individuals in the group. Team working is a group of people, who are trying to use their all efforts to reach the same goal. According to V.Barvydiene and J.Kasiulis (1988) a group is a community of individuals, in which all me mbers are connected with same features like mutual activity, inter-communion, common interests and belonging to the same organization, while team is a group of people working together, where each members existence is very important to realize the same purpose and meet all needs of each group member. T.Tomosiunas (1999) says that Every individual in belongs to some various groups like family, groups of friends, school or work collective and so on. However, not each member of the group or a team can work harmoniously and successfully.. Author draws attention to the fact that an effective group activity can occur only if the group is able to concentrate and use all of the skills of each member in the team for organizations goals. Most group theory examines group outcomes in term of group performance and effectiveness. it was discovered that workers in a variety of agencies had a great deal in common and that the major component of that common experience lay in their experience with groups. Out of this recognition came the widespread use of the term social group work and the development of interest groups focusing on work with groups in a number of cities. The second discovery was that what was common to all the groups was that, in addition to the activities in which the group engaged, groups involved a network of relationships between the members and the worker, between the groups as a whole. His combination of relationships was called the group process. This second realization produced a search for deeper insights into these relationships, an attempt to describe them and to understand their dynamics (Reid 1981). The work of Maslow helped human relations advocates to clarify their perspective, with its focus on the interrelations between workers and the quality if the employment relationship. They suggest casual relationship between five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback) and the workers psycholog ical state. If this relationship is positive, it leads to positive outcomes. This model also recognizes the importance of learning to achieve motivation and outcome goals. Teamwork is usually considered an important factor especially in a workplace. However, there are some significant problems and difficulties that are experienced while building teamwork among individuals. In a broader perspective, there are issues such as cultural and personal differences, differences in future prospects, professional and workplace issues, social differences, education levels and gender disparities. Communication barriers, lack of training of employees on teamwork poor commitment from all stakeholders undermine the spirit of team work (Dyer, 1995). In teamwork, some individuals who hold a moderate point of view tend to believe that their teammates hold stronger and extreme views than them. They will eventually adjust their positions in view of the ones perceived to be superior-a conditional p henomenon referred to as a groupthink. This is normally a dangerous and risky way of working things out especially where critical thinking and consultation is required. Sometimes poor leadership and management skills can cause very negative impact in the group. Leaders are normally adamant about getting information from their junior colleagues and whenever they receive any, they are either brushed off or just neglected. In teamwork, every persons point of view should be taken into account. The reality is however different from what is expected in that some team leaders and coordinators tend to push for their own views to be accepted by the other members. Shapers and plants in teamwork are responsible for brainstorming the members of the team but they normally abuse this responsibility (Maund, 2001). Critical evaluations of team working focus on paradoxes and the effects of teams ideology and behaviour of workers. For effective realization of the benefits of teamwork, there should be a well coordinated form of communication. Evaluate all the benefits of groups and team working, insensibly, the question arise is always a team work is better than an individual one. The answer is no. It should be remembered that both group and individual work has both advantages and disadvantages. Team work is useful when the solution is not obvious and we need information, knowledge and abilities of other people to achieve the objectives and range of ideas. Meanwhile, for simple tasks with clear problems and goals, or problems with the logical, subtle reason enough to solve need only individual efforts. To sum up, therefore, that the basic principles of team work are cooperation, listening to other team members opinion, recognition, trust and mutual aid. Individual work often reaches gain for a worker while groups product is both individual and teams performance. In conclusion then, the main point is that in this modern society everything depends on job performance. In the working field a lot of things depend on individuals. To make work successful people need to have motivation and good team. The members in those groups need to be similar, the need to consider their personalities in order to avoid failure. A successful team has to be balanced and cooperative. And all these features combined together give us a great organizational world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Organizational behaviour examples" essay for you Create order

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Need to Minimize Plagiarism - 761 Words

When writing scholarly work, we have most of the times based our work from experience, research, and experimentation. Most of the times, we also have tendency of using other people ideas. However when we use other people’s ideas, we have to ensure that they are given due credits for their work or idea. If that does not happen, we start flirting with cheating, dishonesty, or simply put integrity issues. Why is that? The answer to that question is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional use of other people’s work or idea without giving them their due credit. This not only limited to scholarly environment, but to everything from literature to music. For example, there is a female pop star in the United States who†¦show more content†¦Walden University has a very defined code of conduct for its student body, and it our responsibility as scholar-practitioner we follow it and apply all aspect related to that. One of the most important and piece that would guaranty our academic integrity is to ensure that we are not plagiarizing (Laureate Education, 2012). Few ways, we can do that is to develop a good note taking techniques, properly citing other scholarly sources, provide concrete applicable examples, or master paraphrasing effectively. After reading the article Tainted: The manipulation of fact in America by Crossen†¨(1994), and compared it to the paragraph below, Consumers must trust that the research that has gone into the manufacture of new drugs is safe. But it is hard to know if a conflict of interest between doctors, researchers, and the drug company stockholders has tainted the results. Biomedical researchers incorporate strict rules of science into their work, which is examined by peers. Yet the resulting information can be warped for five reasons: ending a study too soon, not publishing negative results, publishing results too early, skimming over or ignoring drawbacks, and â€Å"buffing† the results by showing them in the best light (Crossen, 1994, p. 167), I noticed that the student committed plagiarism. And only cited the last sentence which failed the attempt to paraphrase. There are two sentences, which stand out more that the others. TheyShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism And Politics : Plagiarism927 Words   |  4 PagesSaroj Dahal Professor Dr. Sharon Manna GOVT 2305-71005 19 Sep, 2016 Plagiarism and politics Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone else’s original ideas or thoughts (either written or oral) and copying it either exactly in a same way or remixing it, without giving credit to the owner. In today’s world, Plagiarism is omnipresent. People try to imitate others watching them in TVs, movies, and songs which tend them to plagiarize knowingly or accidentally. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hong Kong Moral and National Education Free Essays

Do you think moral and national education should be abolished? Moral and national education had recently become a hot topic in Hong Kong. Moral and national education  is a school curriculum proposed by the  Education Bureau of Hong Kong, it s transformed from the current moral and civic education. The Education Bureau stated that it is to cultivate â€Å"positive values and attitudes† in students. We will write a custom essay sample on Hong Kong Moral and National Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Schools are forced to make it into an independent subject and teachers will teach according to curriculum given by the Education Bureau. However, the society suspected that it is brainwashing, they express their concerns through forming associations like Scholarism and marching. National Education should have included different perspectives for students to know more about their country and citizenship. Instead of letting students know about their country thoroughly, the information is carefully selected by the government. Of the 19 references, 18 of them were written by mainland Chinese. There are no references from local or foreign scholar, no diverse views and different interests. They are all one-sided view of China and neglected lots of important issues such as the development in human rights and democracy in China. Such references and handbooks are inappropriate to use as teaching materials. Hong Kong schools already have liberal studies, civil education and Chinese history, content of lessons are overlapped. Students are overburdened by homework, test and examination. Schools and teachers are rushing through the syllabus of HKDSE. Time is tight for both school and students, another compulsory subject is not needed. This creates more pressure and stress than the benefit it might have on the major stakeholders. The curriculum guide for the evaluation of student’s performance is also being worried. Students have to be emotionally touched in order to show their patriotism. It focuses students to dissemble or to fake their feelings in order to get higher marks, it is not a proper way of education. Along with contents that praises the Communist China, â€Å"advanced, altruistic and united governing body† with characteristics that â€Å"ensuring stable governance, protecting wholeness of country†. Students are to be brainwashed and to love their country blindly. Extreme nationalism and patriotism can easily leads to war just because of a little conflict (WW1). In my opinion, a moral and civic education curriculum committee should be set to draw up guide lines and design the teaching materials. It should be consist of trained teachers, parents and people from different parts of the society. The curriculum committee can also monitor the implantation of this subject or whether it should become a subject at school. With all the rejections and disagreements from professional teachers, parents and even students themselves, the government should understand their concerns and go for a more opened approach. How to cite Hong Kong Moral and National Education, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Medibank Private Limited

Question: The analysis of the financial report of MEDIBANK Private Limited. Answer: Wolf, M. (2008).Fixing global finance. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. To: The Board of Directors From: MEDIBANK Private Limited Date: 31.05.2015 Subject: The analysis of the financial report of MEDIBANK Private Limited The MEDIBANK private limited business operation includes providing quality health care to their customers. The company focus on the large and the sustainable health care services that are required for the increment and the growth of the sustainability. It also keeps eyes on the future benefit claims which are arranged for enhancing the further cooperation. Thus it also helps in signifying the values that are requisite for the sustainability for the proper rising of the market competition (Droms and Wright, 2010). Thus it helps in signifying the overhead management and the values that are required for the proper continuation of the business operation and thus it also helps in the proper enhancement of the business operations that are carried out for the formation of the support for the organisation. Furthermore, the companys innovative ideas help the company to make progress with implementing the process in the organisation. The stakeholders of the company include shareholders, employ ees, community and other members associated with the company (Holton, 2012). The subsidiaries of the company includes Integrated Care Services Pty Ltd, The Travel Doctor TMVC Pty Ltd, IQ Consultants Pty Ltd, MEDIBANK Health Solutions Telehealth Pty Ltd, Fitness2Live Pty Ltd, Fitness2Live (UK) Ltd, MEDIBANK Health Solutions New Zealand Ltd, MEDIBANK Health Singapore Pte Ltd and MEDIBANK Asia Pte Ltd. The financial statement of the company shows the actual value of the company as well as its actual performance. The financial statements are prepared as per the accordance of the accounting standards and both by the subsidiary and parent company of the group. It helps the organization to structure their activities that helps in the creation of the proper growth for the company. The subsidiary statements help in the separation of the group which helps in claiming the increment of the profit in front of the parent entity (Horngren, 2013). Therefore, in the case of the MEDIBANK Private Limited, the claims on the profit could not be made by the company that are earned by the MEDIBANK Community Fund. Thus it helps in the creation of the significant differences that helps the company in the process of the evaluation of the considered risks. Therefore the consolidated financial statements are made by the parent organisation and the subsidiary organisation helps in the creation of the legal entity. Hence it also helps in the proper continuation of the safeguards for the appropriate prolongation of the rules and the policies in regarding the protection of information connected to the financial statements of the organisation (Kew and Watson, 2012). The funding options are available for the organization that exists for raising the funds of the organisation and thus financing their operating as well other activities of the organization (Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield, 2010). It also helps in the increment of the shares and the debentures from the public for the case of the increment of the funds. Debenture is a fund that the company provides fixed interests to the debenture holders and thus it also helps in completion of the debenture terms and the conditions that are required for the appropriate enhancement of the organisations obligations and therefore, the organisation helps in the provision of the interests for the proper creation of the profits for the company and thus for the others also (Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2007). The companies are also helpful for the purpose of raising the funds that are required for the solving the companys issues. The MEDIBANK Health Solution Pty Ltd is owned by the MEDIBANK Private Limited. The MEDIBANK Private Limited is an insurance company as well as the health company which helps in the provision of the shareholders that are helpful for the proper creation of the firm. Thus the infrastructural facilities that are created also helps in the improvement of the firms as well as the profit of the organisation. It can be achieved by the proper incurring of the losses that helps in incurring the losses that are required for the appropriate determination of the companys funds and thus it also helps in the creation of the losses that makes the investors and the other bankers to suffer a lot (Lambert, 2011). Thus the company also provides the facilities likes as the bonuses to the debentures and the shareholders of the company for the profits as per the case. Besides these all the things, the bankers and the investors also helps the company to raise the fund of the company that helps in the carrying out the fund gaining activities by the company. Source: (Anon, 2016) The financial statement of the organization provides significant information to the shareholders and the stakeholders of the organization. The financial reporting or the reports need to be aligned with International Financial Reporting Standards, and it is also published by the International Accounting Standards (Libby, Libby and Short, 2014). This is also prepared as per the Standards of Australia Accounting. The financial information of the organization discloses the corporate governance information is to capitalize on the business presentations, returns of the shareholders are seemed to be maximized and also its worth, to sustain the success and the development of the organization. It also incorporates risk supervision, corporate governance policies and practices including the process of risk supervision. The auditing group describes the financial information or the declarations of the company and also determines the exact value of the organization through its performance in their present market field. Sustainability of the company can be evaluated and determined by the given information in this financial statement field (McCarthy et al., 2012). The annual performance with its report need to be categorized as operational, financial, regulatory risks, and it incorporates the economic sustainability risks. The solvency risk of the organization may analyze with the assists of the financial leverage ratio, debt-equity and also to calculate the current ratio from the given information in this financial statements or the financial reporting. The proper income statement represents the profit, expense, revenue, and loss of the organization. It assists in determining the long term and short term performance of the organization like MEDIBANK Private Ltd. The financial statement of the company shows the non controlling interests that are paid on the shares that are outstanding. Non-controlling interests are the total sum that is remunerated on due shares of the organization within the fiscal year (McMillan, 2010. The non controlling interest is represented on their balance sheet of the company Depending on the acquisition the organizations determine the non controlling interests of particular exclusive property of acquiring. The surplus of the relocated consideration includes the sums of non-controlling interests to get hold of above the shares of the fair value of the organization to acquiring their net assets that are mostly recorded as the behavior. The intercompany transactions, unrealized gains and also the balances in between the group company need to be eliminated and also in this scenario; the unrealized losses are also reduced until the transaction is correctly supplied the manipulation of the transferred property or the tran sferred assets. The consolidated balance sheet of the group, as well as the firm like MEDIBANK Private Ltd, represents the non controlling interests (Robinson, 2009). The goodwill of a company is valued with the performance or enhanced operations of the company which indicates strong financial position of the organization. With the help of appropriate acquisition strategies the company would be able to achieve acquisition of the promising organization and building reputation in the market. The strong financial position of the company will lead to increase in the value, enhanced performance as well competing with other companies in the market (Rosen, 2005). The goodwill account shows in the balance sheet of the company for the year end. The acquisition strategy imposes considerable impact on the goodwill of the company. In bargaining the trader it can be either seller or buyer focus on maximum gain from the transaction. Therefore, in this case if the seller able to sell the product at the price fixed by him then it would be gain for him and is the buyer able to decrease the price of the product then it would be gain for him. The income statement sh ows the purchase and sale of the products and balance sheet shows the goodwill on the acquisition. Therefore, the financial statement of the company shows the purchase and sale of the products and services (Spiceland, 2009). MEDIBANK private limited also trade in the foreign market and hence it leads to foreign currency transactions. The company determines and evaluated risks in the foreign currency transactions in order to develop the company in the foreign market. The contacts, instruments derivatives and products are traded by the company. The consolidated income statement shows the exchange differences on the translation of the foreign operations (Weygandt, 2009). However, the risk rising from the financial apparatus of the group is risk of interest rate, risk of credit, price risk including liquidity risk and foreign currency risk. Different techniques and methods are used to manage such types of risks such as monitoring the exposure levels of foreign exchange risk, price risk and interest rate. The board agrees and reviews the policies to manage the risk which includes limits to trade in the derivatives, instruments derivatives and foreign currency contracts. The foreign subsidiary companies of MED IBANK private limited are the HATCHTECH Pty Limited and MEDIBANK Community Fund (Wolf, 2008). The foreign exchange trading is also shown in the income statement of the company for the year ended. The HATCHITECH Pty limited is a biotechnology organization which is an International federation of planning of health. Apart from this, the subsidiaries of the company are MEDIBANK Health Solutions Pty Ltd and Australian Health Management Group Pty Ltd. The financial statement of the company shows the current balances of the foreign currency transactions and ordinary shares issued by the company. The foreign currency risk refers to the risks that fair worth of the financial instrument would vary because of the changes in the rates of the foreign currency (Lambert, 2011). However, the investment in infrastructure and syndicated loans are managed externally and exposures of the currency are hedged by fund manager. The international equities are managed externally and half of the exposure of t he foreign currency is unhedged. The group has transactional exposure of the currency that arises from the purchases of the currencies other than functional currency. The transactions includes operational costs within other payable and trade that are minimal and the purchases of the foreign currency investment. Source: (Reuters, 2016) The financial statements of MEDIBANK private limited shows that the company is growing and shows positive results. The net income of the company is appropriate and the current ratio is above one which means that the company would be able to pay its debts (Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield, 2010). The share market price is also appropriate which means that the performance of the company is increasing in the current market situation. The MEDIBANK private limited provides increment benefits to their employee and appropriate training to them. The net income of the bank in the year 2015 is AUD285 millions and in the year 2014 it was AUD130.8 million. Therefore, the financial statements show that the company is having developing showing positive results and income (Kew and Watson, 2012). There the bank is earning income and generating maximum returns for their shareholders through internal trading and foreign exchange trades. MEDIBANK private limited would secure its position in the current mar ket environment and operating its business for the benefits of their stakeholders. References Droms, W. and Wright, J. (2010).Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers. New York: Basic Books. Holton, R. (2012).Global finance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Horngren, C. (2013).Financial accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia Group. Kew, J. and Watson, A. (2012).Financial accounting. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. Kieso, D., Weygandt, J. and Warfield, T. (2010).Intermediate accounting. Hoboken (NJ): J. Wiley. Kimmel, P., Weygandt, J. and Kieso, D. (2007).Financial accounting. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Lambert, R. (2011).Finance accounting. Philadelphia: Wharton Digital Press. Libby, R., Libby, P. and Short, D. (2014).Financial accounting. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. McCarthy, J., Shelmon, N., Mattie, J. and Gross, M. (2012).Financial and accounting guide for not-for-profit organizations. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. McMillan, E. (2010).Not-for-profit accounting, tax, and reporting requirements. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Robinson, T. (2009).International financial statement analysis. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Rosen, H. (2005).Public finance. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Spiceland, J. (2009).Intermediate accounting. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Weygandt, J. (2009).Hospitality financial accounting. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Integration of Heterogeneous Database free essay sample

Resource integration of heterogeneous database interoperability federated database 1. Introduction Heterogeneous database interoperability issues as a database research in the field hot and difficult issues at home and abroad, academic and industrial sectors have attracted wide attention. Since the 20th century, since the 80s, many foreign companies and research institutes to the integration of heterogeneous databases to conduct a large number of studies and achieved a lot of results, but the domestic research on the integration of heterogeneous databases is still in its early stage. The concept of heterogeneous database interoperability   Heterogeneous Databases (Heterogeneous Database) database technology integration is a completely centralized logical focus, physical distribution (traditional distributed database) as well as the logical distribution, physical distribution (heterogeneous database) the results of this development process, but also take into account existing systems self Sexual and achieve the reality of the new data-sharing needs of effective means. Heterogeneous database heterogeneous features include two levels: system level and language level, heterogeneous, mainly reflected in the following areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Integration of Heterogeneous Database or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Computer architecture, heterogeneous: respectively, each participating database can run on mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, PC or embedded system. * Heterogeneous operating systems: each database system is based on the operating system can be Unix, Windows NT, Linux and so on. of heterogeneous database management systems: a conceptual model of heterogeneous database. There are levels, network, relational and object-oriented 4; the other is the physical model of heterogeneous database: the conceptual model refers to the same but the data structure is different, such as the relationship between Oracle and SQL Server the same type, but the structure is different. The realization of interoperability of heterogeneous database consists of three functional elements: 1. o provide users with powerful and flexible operation of interoperable visual interface through which users can intuitively transparent access to multiple heterogeneous databases; 2. to provide high-level language database access call-level interface, as call-level interface, designers can achieve the level depending on the specific situation may be clear; 3. to support environmental and open, if possible, should also support the implementation language open. Heterogeneous database system aimed at achieving data between different databases of information resources, hardware and human resources of the combined and shared. Heterogeneous database systems integration is to a different database systems, operating systems, different operating platforms of different or the blocking of different underlying network, enabling users to heterogeneous database system can be regarded as an ordinary database system, with their own familiar data-processing language to access the database, as access to a database system, like its transparent operation. . to achieve heterogeneous database interoperability approach The face of heterogeneous database interoperability requirements, mainly from the two simultaneous efforts: First, establish standards, that is to establish a unified database of norms, standards eliminate the imperfect system resulting from the differences between various databases; second is to build interoperability of heterogeneous database platforms, achieve transparent access to multiple heterogeneous databases. With a database interoperability issues in-depth study, based on different perspectives, many researchers have put forward a viable heterogeneous database interoperability channel, these channels to achieve interoperability of the depth, breadth and height vary both in their respective to adapt to the specific environment and needs. The core idea of the database from heterogeneous starting to realize interoperable way to be summarized in two categories. 3. 1 system-level heterogeneous interoperability DBMS system for heterogeneous network environment database interoperability, the main there are four means of realization. * Database Gateway (Database Gateway) Database Gateway is a repeater; it can provide application-level integration of heterogeneous database tools. Gateways primary role is to convert and communications. Database Gateway can establish more stable and transparent database interoperability, but its shortcomings are obvious. Such as do not care about how to shield the heterogeneity between databases and does not upport transaction processing, resource redundancy, the user is limited in the database vendor cannot arbitrarily select the client platform and target database and so on. Database Gateway compared to more public agreements, scalability and openness, can better realize the transparency of heterogeneous database access, support for multiple network protocols and multiple client platforms, heterogeneous database interoperability to achieve an effective way to one. Public License / data transfer protocol drawback is that the agreement itself inefficiencies brought about by speed. * Public Programming Interface Common Programming Interface, including customer application programming interface (CAPI) and server application programming interface (SAPI). CAPI is a set of process libraries, usually resides on the client, through the back-end load specific drivers to access different databases. SAPI provides an application programming interface to control the server and client application requests and the interaction between the target database. Such as Microsoft, ODBC, Oracles SQL * NET, as well as IDAPI. Its advantages are: By providing a unified call-level interface, allowing users to remove the application database with the changes of the pain; through the API allows applications to manipulate data in the database directly. Database access APIs weaknesses are: a database for each one needs to have one with their corresponding drivers; due to different drivers supported by the data types and operations on the data are not the same as its fully transparent access to heterogeneous database capacity is limited; to achieve efficiency in over-reliance on the driver and the driver of the standard grammar into the corresponding database command syntax to spend a lot of time. Middleware is in the application and the application is located between the way the inner workings of the system software, and its basic idea is that in all the back-end data sources and front-end application to establish a layer of abstraction between. The application and system software at a lower level details of the attachment and complexity of segregation, so that application developers to deal only with certain types of a single API, and other details can be handled by the middleware. This allows the system to the operation of each of the different data sources into a single operation of the middleware, while the later pairs of middleware for heterogeneous processing. The use of heterogeneous database integration middleware technology to solve the problem, this will bring a lot of system integration benefits. This is because the middleware can not only make front-end user access to heterogeneous back-end databases to achieve transparency and to ensure the openness of the access interface, so you can make the system function in the future expansion easier. To access the database through the middleware Another advantage is that all client requests are sent to the middleware, reduce the burden on the database server to ensure that the database servers performance does not decrease. Meanwhile, the adoption of middleware greatly enhance the maintainability of the system, a logic within the system changes, as long as the change in the corresponding middle-tier processing, front user interface does not require any changes, so will be greatly reduced the system maintenance costs. 3. heterogeneous data structure and semantic-level interoperability. At present, the data structure and semantics for a heterogeneous database interoperability research are closely coupled and loosely coupled two kinds of thinking, specifically embodied in the multi-database systems, federated database systems and distributed database systems are three ways. 1. Multi-database system The so-called multi-database system is a way to accept and accommodate multiple heterogeneous database systems, allowing the various heterogeneous database of autonomy. Multi-database system is a broad concept, as opposed to, such as a centralized database systems or distributed database system that logically have the same management system for the purposes of its diversity and distribution in order for the main features. Multiple refers to the difference between its number of centralized or distributed database system; distribution refers to the data in different venues of database systems, by the respective management systems to manage. Multi-database technology, the goal is to achieve the interoperability between multiple databases, to address the resource-sharing database, to find a technical way. Commonly used distributed, heterogeneous, autonomous features as a measure to characterize the three multi-database system. Using this method, users need to explicitly specify the database to be accessed. Multi-database system uses a bottom-up methods. 2. Distributed Database (Distributed Database) The basic idea of distributed database is to abandon the original database system in a networked environment to establish the distribution of the database system, architecture, transaction processing models, and other aspects of re-engineering in order to address information sharing and interoperability issues. Distributed database system is divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed database distributed database. Such as Oracle, Sybase, Informix and so on are all homogeneous distributed database system, the realization of such systems is relatively easier. Heterogeneous distributed database management systems are mostly some of the existing database management system based on the realized. 3. Federal Database (Federated Database) Federated database system is a distributed database network technology and the inevitable result of technological development, it is by a group to coordinate the work, but also the independent and autonomous component databases. It can be the original non-distributed, they can be distributed, with a distributed, autonomous, heterogeneous three characteristics. Federated database and distributed database systems are distinguished: a distributed database system while physically dispersed, but because there is a unified data model and the global data model, so it is logically centralized, so users feel is a complete database. Obviously, such systems can be used for a specific area of the system, but not suitable for different areas of integration between heterogeneous systems. On the contrary, the Federal-style database system is composed of loosely coupled at different nodes of the heterogeneous distribution of members of the database structure, among the members of the Federation as a loose combination. Constitute the members of the Federation can be a centralized database, it can be a distributed database, they can be required (by some combination of) joined the Federation, or as needed secede. Federated databases are not global schema, each subsystem (ie, the federal member) according to their own needs to develop their own data model. Data-sharing among its members, relations, through a consultation to determine the input / output mode to create a single member of the right to refuse or to allow other members of the nodes that access to it. Therefore, it can support multi-database systems are distributed, heterogeneous and autonomous, thus producing satisfactory integration. Interoperability of heterogeneous database technology makes database in the original technology to play an important role, in the future new areas of application also has important implications, such as the Earth Observing System EOSDIS, e-commerce, healthcare information systems, digital publishing, collaborative design, etc.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Critically discuss the extent to which the duty to make reasonable adjustments has eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals The WritePass Journal

Critically discuss the extent to which the duty to make reasonable adjustments has eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals Introduction Critically discuss the extent to which the duty to make reasonable adjustments has eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals ) Cases Archibald v Fife Council [2004] IRLR 651 Burke v Clinton Cards October 2010, ET/2900622/09 Chief Constable of South Yorkshire police v Jelic [2010] UKEAT 0491/09/2904 Nottinghamshire County Council v Miekle [2004] EWCA Civ 859 O’Hanlon v Commission for HM Customs [2006] IRLR 840 Tarbuck v Sainsbury Supermarkets Ltd [2006] IRLR 664 The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Wilson UKEAT/0289/09 Wilson v DWP [2010] EAT/0289/09 Wynn v Multipulse Electronics Ltd 22 October 2007, Case Number: 2301416/07 Government Report Equality of Human Rights Commission, ‘Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice’ Legislation Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Equality Act 2010 Website Rebecca English (The Daily Mail) â€Å"I was banished to the stockroom, says disabled shop girl now suing Abercrombie Fitch for discrimination† available at dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1192674/I-banished-stockroom-says-disabled-shop-girl-suing-AbercrombieFitch-discrimination.html accessed 9 May 2014 Equality Human Rights Commission ‘Reasonable adjustments’ equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/education-providers-schools-guidance/key-concepts/reasonable-adjustments/ accessed 13 May 2014 Gov.uk, ‘Reasonable adjustments for disabled workers’ https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-adjustments-for-disabled-workers accessed 13 May 2014 HSE ‘The law’ hse.gov.uk/disability/law.htm accessed 13 May 2014 Samira Shackle (NewStatesman) ‘How legal aid cuts are harming the voiceless and most vulnerable’ (13 January 2014) newstatesman.com/politics/2014/01/how-legal-aid-cuts-are-harming-voiceless-and-most-vulnerable accessed 13 May 2014 Xpert HR, ‘Disability discrimination awards 2011/12’ xperthr.co.uk/quick-reference/disability-discrimination-awards-201112/114296/ accessed 9 May 2014

Friday, November 22, 2019

A critical analysis of schools of strategic management Essay

A critical analysis of schools of strategic management - Essay Example Strategic management is the way of finding gaps in the current performance of the organization and to design, formulate and implement new steps in order to fill these gaps and to align the organizational functions with the pre settled objectives. It is the method of aligning all the activities being undertaken in the organization such as management, marketing, research and development and Computer information system in a prescribed way to achieve the goals of the organization.In order to effectively undertake the process of strategic planning and implementation different thinkers have presented theories, which have been divide into different schools of thoughts. The paper undertakes a comprehensive critical analysis of the underlying assumptions, perspectives and paradigmatic stance taken in these models. The chosen schools of thoughts are:The first step namely the strategy formulation involves the development of the business mission, evaluation of the opportunities and threats faced by the business organization in the business, by using tools such as SWOT analysis, examining the strengths and weaknesses of the business, determining the long term objectives of the business and designing the new strategies to eke in the process of achieving the new targets. It also include the processes to determine the investment direction, the business markets to be addressed, extension of the operations of the business, limitations faced by the business in order to undertake the business activities. ... The classic models for developing strategy, known as the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and called the "Design School Model" by Mintzberg et al. (1998) has been presented in the proceeding section. SWOT Analysis: So strategies are SO, WO, ST, and WT Strategies to take advantage of external opportunities. All managers would like their organizations to be in position where internal strengths can be used to take advantage of external trends and events. Organizations generally will pursue WO, ST, or WT Strategies in order to get into a situation where they can apply SO Strategies. When a firm has major weaknesses, it will strive to overcome them and make them strengths. When an organization faces major threats, it will seek to avoid them in order to concentrate on opportunities. As indicated in the Information Technology Perspective, immense opportunities are available to many firms today from wireless communication advances in technology. (David, 180) WO Strategies aim at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities. Sometimes key external opportunities exist, but a firm has internal weaknesses that prevent it from exploiting those opportunities. For example, there may be a high demand for electronic devices to control the amount and timing of fuel injection in automobile engines (opportunity), but a certain auto parts manufacturer may lack the technology required for producing these devices (weakness). One possible WO Strategy would be to acquire this technology by forming a joint venture with a firm having competency in this area. An alternative WO Strategy would be to hire and train people with the required technical capabilities (David, 180). ST Strategies use

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sociology Human Services Review 1200words or less - Materials Provided Essay

Sociology Human Services Review 1200words or less - Materials Provided - Essay Example In the business of caring, the first phase – caring about - involves the recognition that there is a need to render care for somebody. Someone who is suffering from AIDS, for example, may be too debilitated in the latter stage of the disease to be able to do things on his own. At this stage, that person will need another to do things that he would have normally done personally like shopping for his basic needs, prepare his food, and do his laundry. The first stage of caring involves the recognition and understanding that the AIDS victim is helpless and needs caring – a stage called caring about that person. The next stage called taking care of involves deciding and assuming the responsibility of taking care of a particular person in need of caring. In the illustration of the AIDS victim, the second stage would involve deciding to take on the responsibility of taking care of the needs of the victim like doing his grocery and shopping, preparing his food and helping him g et on with the his daily basic chores. The third stage or care-giving involves the actual care being given to the person identified as needing care. Thus, the person or group who has decided to assume the responsibility of helping the AIDS victim at this stage now actually and physically renders the necessary help. And the final stage which is care-receiving, involves the recognition and the acceptance of the object of the care of the care being rendered to him (Tronto 1993 pp196-107). Normally, the different caring phases come one after the other and interconnect smoothly. However, there may be instances and cases when these phases conflict with each other. In the care of the aged for example, there are issues which complicate care for the aged although it is understood and accepted that these sector of society really need care. Some of these issues include the participation of the labor force and the maintenance of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Menstruation Disorders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Menstruation Disorders - Research Paper Example A menstrual disorder will affect the woman normal menstrual cycle, and the disorders include painful menses, abnormally heavy bleeding and lack of menses. Normal menstruation is bound to occur during the years of puberty and menopause. Also referred to as â€Å"period† entails a process where blood flows from the uterus to the cervix and out of the vagina. Some women will experience emotional and physical symptoms during the time of menstruation while another will not and such factors may disrupt a woman’s normal life in a number of ways. It is essential for the reproductive-aged woman to understand their menstrual cycles and some of the orders that are bound to occur to be able to prevent, manage them and seek medical attention. Most of these disorders have straightforward explanations and treatments options that exist to help in relieving the symptoms. It is essential for a woman experiencing irregularity in their cycle to seek medical attention from a healthcare prof ession (Peacock, Alvi, & Mushtaq, 2012). Major topics in the research paper include the menstrual cycle and its features, the menstrual disorders and their risk factors and the management and complications of the underlying disorders. The menstrual cycle is prepared and regulated by a complex surge of reproductive hormones that work together to prepare the woman body and systems ready for pregnancy. The regions of the body that control these hormones are the hypothalamus in the brain and the pituitary gland that all control six important hormones in the body.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sugarcane Bagasse Characterization

Sugarcane Bagasse Characterization The major composition of a lignocellulosic biomass is lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, which is responsible for the structure and rigidity of plant. These components has been reported to have high potential energy and are been widely used as fuel in automobile and industries. The components of the bagasse were chemically characterized by measuring their dry weight. Table # represents the composition of dry sugarcane bagasse analysed in the present study compared with data collected from other research articles. The dissimilarities in composition of lignin and cellulose might be due to genetics variations, growing location, methods of harvesting, growing conditions and analytical procedures. Table 1. Major component of sugarcane bagasse Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) References 46 19.6 Present Study 40.57 25.93 (Zeng, Tong, Wang, Zhu, Ingram, 2014) 25 16.2 (Dhabhai, Jain, Chaurasia, 2012) 40 23 (Irfan, Gulsher, Abbas, Syed, Nadeem, 2011) 45.4 23.4 (Pereira, Jacobus, Cioffi, Mulinari, Luz, 2011) As per the generated data, cellulose content in the bagasse was 46%, which was further reformed into accessible form for the saccharification enzyme. While the lignin constituted 19.6%, thus removal of lignin was carried out by the pre-treatment of bagasse for an efficient enzymatic hydrolysis. Cellulose Unit Activity The AumEnzymes, India generously donated two commercial cellulases, Acid Cellulase and Neutral cellulase. The cellulase activity of Aspergillus terreus, acid cellulase, and neutral cellulase were compared in order to proceed for the optimization of saccharification phase. The International Unit for enzyme activities (IU) of all the three cellulases were based on the total cellulase activity and endoglucanase activity, determined by the CMCase assay and FPU assay respectively. Table# represents the FPU and CMCase activity presented by all the three enzymes. The data in the table# clearly concluded that all the three cellulase have negligible total cellulase activity, while they have a high amount of endoglucanase activity. Table 2. Comparison of Cellulase Activity Cellulase CMCase Activity (IU) FPU Activity (IU) Aspergillus terreus 0.273 0.045 Acid 0.966 0.028 Neutral 0.223 0.000 Which might indicate that all the cellulases has endoglucanase activity but, the negligible exoglucanases activity resulted in considerable reduction in total cellulase activity. Since the Acid cellulase had relatively higher enzyme activity, it was further used as the saccharifying enzyme. The protein content in the Acid cellulose was found using the protein assay and it was found to be 67.67 ÃŽ ¼g/mg of Acid cellulase powder. The specific activity was 14.11 IU/mg of Acid cellulase, indicating that 14.11 ÃŽ ¼mol of sugar is released by 1 mg of Acid cellulase (protein) in one unit. Optimization of alkaline The statistical design used for the microwave assisted alkaline pre-treatment is a four factors (weight of bagasse, power of microwave in wattage, NaOH concentration and the exposure time period) system, the response of the pre-treatment was based on the cellulose composition and reduced lignin after the pre-treatment. The design summary is shown in the Table #. Table 3. Design Summary Study Type: Response Surface Runs: 21 Initial Design: Central Composite Design Model: Quadratic Factor Name Units Low Actual High Actual Low Coded High Coded Mean A Bagasse g% 2.5 10 -1 1 6.25 B Microwave W 100 600 -1 1 350 C NaOH g% 1 5 -1 1 3 D Time minutes 5 10 -1 1 7.5 Response Name Units Analysis Minimum Maximum C.V % R2 Y1 Cellulose g% Polynomial 0 81.2 9.3 0.9679 Y2 Lignin Removal g% Polynomial 0 67.25 8.54 0.9735 The design was a set of 21 runs, combinations of four factor experimental design, based on the RSM and CCD (Tabel#). The RSM is mathematical based system to study the interactions between the factors, while the CCD enables us to deduce an optimal condition for the pre-treatment. Table 4. Test design and results of response surface analysis Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Response 1 Response 2 Std Run A:Substrate B:Microwave C:NaOH D:Time Cellulose Lignin Removal g W g% minutes g% g% 16 1 6.25 350 3.0 11.7 76.8 48.14 15 2 6.25 350 3.0 3.3 59.2 42.7 6 3 2.50 100 5.0 5.0 55 44.35 21 4 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 72.3 46.7 8 5 2.50 100 1.0 5.0 48.5 35.38 10 6 12.56 350 3.0 7.5 74.6 42.7 13 7 6.25 350 -0.4 7.5 48.25 40 5 8 10.00 100 1.0 10.0 50.6 38.4 9 9 -0.06 350 3.0 7.5 0 0 19 10 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 71.2 46.8 20 11 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 79.5 50.3 2 12 10.00 600 1.0 5.0 56.2 42.7 4 13 2.50 600 1.0 10.0 59.98 48.25 3 14 10.00 100 5.0 10.0 60.6 52.1 11 15 6.25 -70 3.0 7.5 61 48.53 18 16 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 77.1 44.23 7 17 2.50 600 5.0 10.0 75.6 62.5 12 18 6.25 770 3.0 7.5 76.3 67.25 17 19 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 69.7 48.9 1 20 10.00 600 5.0 5.0 71.85 57.23 14 21 6.25 350 6.4 7.5 81.2 60.56 According to the table#, runs #17, #18 and # 21 had maximum lignin removals while the #1, #1 and#21 showed maximum retained cellulose. The quadratic polynomial equations describes the correlation between the significant coefficients i.e. p-value (Prob>F) less than 0.05 and is used to obtain the regression values of coefficients where only significant coefficients are considered. But since this model supports hierarchy, the insignificant coefficients were not omitted. This equation was used to derive the predicted responses for cellulose (equation 1) and lignin removal (equation 2) Equation1 Equation 2 The adequacy of the quadratic model for the experimental responses (cellulose Y1 and lignin removal Y2) was checked using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which was verified using the Fisher’s statistical model (F-value). The table# shows the ANOVA for Y2 response. Table 5. ANOVA result of quadratic regression model for lignin removal Source Sum of Squares Mean squares F-value p-value (Prob > F) Model 3411.23 14 243.66 15.74 0.0014 significant A-Bagasse 911.65 1 911.65 58.88 0.0003 B-Microwave 175.22 1 175.22 11.32 0.0152 C-NaOH 541.91 1 541.91 35.00 0.001 D-Time 14.80 1 14.80 0.96 0.366 AB 3.88 1 3.88 0.25 0.6347 AC 3.14 1 3.14 0.20 0.6684 AD 0.86 1 0.86 0.06 0.8216 BC 4.67 1 4.67 0.30 0.6028 BD 534.56 1 534.56 34.52 0.0011 CD 2.48 1 2.48 0.16 0.7031 A2 955.51 1 955.51 61.71 0.0002 B2 362.14 1 362.14 23.39 0.0029 C2 74.46 1 74.46 4.81 0.0708 D2 3.95 1 3.95 0.25 0.6317 Residual 92.90 6 15.48 Lack of Fit 71.34 2 35.67 6.62 0.0539 not significant Pure Error 21.56 4 5.39 Cor Total 3504.13 20 ANOVA of the regression model for lignin removal had 15.74 â€Å"F-value† which described that the model is significant and also defined that there is only 0.14% chance that a â€Å"Model F-value† this large could arise due to noise. Since the â€Å"p-value† 0.0014, lesser than 0.005, it indicates that the lignin removal is sensitive to the coefficients/factors in the model. In other words weight of bagasse (A), microwave exposure (B), NaOH (C), BD, A2 and B2 have strong influence on the lignin removal. The p-value 0.0011 for BD (B-coded for microwave, D-coded for time), indicates the strong mutual interaction between B and D in removal of lignin. The â€Å"Lack of Fit F-value† of 6.62 justifies that there are 5.39% chances that such large values of â€Å"Lack of Fit F-value† might occur due to noise, where lack of fit is an error that would occur when one of the factor is omitted from the process model. Another statistical measurement that is a sig nal to noise is the ‘‘Adequate precision’’. The desirable ratio is greater than 4, as such the Adeq Precision value is 20.22, this model can be used to navigate design space and further optimization. â€Å"Multiple correlation corfficient or R2† value denotes the correlation between observed and predicted values, i.e. if the value is closer to 1, it means better correlation. In this case the R2 value is 0.9735, indicating better agreement between experimental values and predicted values. The â€Å"coefficient of variation (CV)† indicates the degree of precision to which the experiments are compared. The lower reliability of the experiment is usually indicated by a high value of CV. In the present case the CV value is low (8.5%) indicates a good precision and reliability of the experiment. At the same time, Adjusted determination coefficient (Adj R2)† was high specifies improved precision and reliability of the conducted experiments. The 3D surface plot illustrated below (Figure#) shows co-operative effect of microwaves and NaOH on the removal of lignin. From the plot, it can be predicted that with rise the concentration of NaOH and high powered microwaves exposure a increased degradation of lignin was observed, maximum lignin removal is observed with 5% NaOH concentration and microwave irradiation with power of 600W. But the low power microwaves and NaOH concentrations had no substantial removal of lignin. Figure 1. Co-operative effect of Microwaves and NaOH on lignin removal The second response considered in the pre-treatment was the amount of cellulose retained (Y1) after the process. The ANOVA of quadratic regression model for cellulose retained after pre-treatment illustrated in Table # is a significant model as evident from the Fishers F-test value (12.91) with a very low probability value [(Prob > F) = 0.0165]. This also indicates that there is only 0.24% chance that the F-value occurs due to errors during the experiments. Among model terms A, C, BD and A2 are also significant with probability of 99%. The interaction between B and D significant effect on increase in cellulose retaining response. The goodness of fit of the model was checked by determination coefficient (R2). In this case, the value of the R2 (0.9676) indicates that only 3.24% of the total variation between experimental values and predicted values are not explained by the model. The value of the adjusted determination coefficient (Adj. R2=0.8929) was also high, at the same time a rela tively lower value of the coefficient of variation (C.V. = 9.3%) which indicates model is significant and the conducted experiment is consistent and has a good precision. The level of noise that affected the model is also very low, i.e. 11.16% determined using the Lack of Fit F-value (3.99). The Adequate Precision (15.608) for this model is greater than 4, this suggests the model can be used for navigating the design space and optimizing the experiment. Table 6. ANOVA result of quadratic regression model for cellulose concentration after pre-treatment Source Sum of Squares df Mean Squares F-value p-value (Prob > F) Model 6226.99 14 444.79 12.91 0.0024 significant A-Bagasse 2782.58 1 2782.58 80.76 0.0001 B-Microwave 117.05 1 117.05 3.40 0.1149 C-NaOH 779.62 1 779.62 22.63 0.0031 D-Time 154.88 1 154.88 4.49 0.0783 AB 36.72 1 36.72 1.07 0.3417 AC 1.56 1 1.56 0.05 0.8387 AD 8.14 1 8.14 0.24 0.6441 BC 27.27 1 27.27 0.79 0.4079 BD 1626.88 1 1626.88 47.21 0.0005 CD 1.51 1 1.51 0.04 0.8414 A^2 2013.06 1 2013.06 58.42 0.0003 B^2 4.08 1 4.08 0.12 0.7426 C^2 54.52 1 54.52 1.58 0.2552 D^2 8.46 1 8.46 0.25 0.6379 Residual 206.74 6 34.46 Lack of Fit 137.67 2 68.83 3.99 0.1116 not significant Pure Error 69.07 4 17.27 Cor Total 6433.73 20 Figure # is a 3D response surface plot generated for 6.25 g of bagasse and 7.5 minutes of treatment by the regression mode, illustrates the effect of microwave irradiation (B) and NaOH (C) variables and the interactive effects of each on the cellulose concentration. It can be observed that by increasing both factors B and C results in increased cellulose concentration. The shading on the graph indicates the NaOH concentration from 3% to 5% is adequate for increasing the cellulose concentration to 75% and above along with the microwave irradiation within range of 350 W to 600W. Which indicates that higher microwave irradiation favours lignin removal. This results in high power consumptions and charring of cellulose. To avoid the destruction of cellulose to an inaccessible substance, the treatment can be carried at lower power microwave irradiations under high pressures. The two response models of microwave assisted alkaline pre-treatment have shown positive influence on the removal of lignin and increased cellulose in bagasse. Thus the statistical analysis is reliable to generate the optimal conditions required for pre-treatment, the optimum condition was predicted using numerical optimization. The optimal values selected were, 6.37 g of bagasse irradiated at 350 W in 5% NaOH solution for 8.87 minutes. The predicted cellulose concentration was 81.94% and 56.6% lignin removal. The figure # represents the graph obtained using the numerical optimization methods. Figure 2. Co-operative effect of Microwave and NaOH on cellulose concentration Figure 3. Counter plot for predicted values of Lignin removal and cellulose concentration at optimized condition There was 48% loss in dry weight of the bagasse after pre-treatment at optimized conditions, which might be either due to removal of lignin or lost during the washing process after pre-treatment bagasse. The result was similar to the work done by (Farid, Noor El-Deen, Shata, 2014). Optimization of Saccharification The pre-treated bagasse was washed and further used for saccharification using the Acid cellulase. The efficiency of saccharification is evaluated by the saccharification%, it is the ratio of sugar released and the amount of polysaccharide present in the bagasse. Thus the saccharification% was used as the response factor for the statistical design used to optimize saccharification. The saccharification% response was assessed as a function of pre-treated bagasse loading (A), Acid cellulase loading (B) and time of incubation (C). The design developed using RSM and CCD is summarized in the Table # below. Table 7. Design Summary Study Type: Response Surface Runs: 20 Initial Design: Central Composite Design Model: Quadratic Factor Name Units Low Actual High Actual Low Coded High

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reverse Discrimination: The Case of Allan Bakke Essay -- History Race

Reverse Discrimination In 1973 a thirty-three year-old Caucasian male named Allan Bakke applied to and was denied admission to the University of California Medical School at Davis. In 1974 he filed another application and was once again rejected, even though his test scores were considerably higher than various minorities that were admitted under a special program. This special program specified that 16 out of 100 possible spaces for the students in the medical program were set aside solely for minorities, while the other 84 slots were for anyone who qualified, including minorities. What happened to Bakke is known as reverse discrimination. Bakke felt his rejections to be violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, so he took the University of California Regents to the Superior Court of California. It was ruled that "the admissions program violated his rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment"1 The clause reads as follows:"...No state shall make or enforce any l aw which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor without due process of the law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."2 The court ruled that race could not be a factor in admissions. However, they did not force the admittance of Bakke because the court could not know if he would have been admitted if the special admissions program for minorities did not exist. Bakke disagreed with the court on this issue and he brought it before the California Supreme Court.The California Supreme Court held that it was the University's burden to prove that Bakke would not have been admitted if the special program was not in effect. The school could not meet this requirement, and Bakke was admitted by court orde r. However, the University appealed to the Supreme Court for "certiorari", which was granted, and the order to admit Bakke was suspended pending thCourt's decision.3 The Issues and Arguments for Each Side"Bakke was the most significant civil rights case to reach the United States Supreme Court since Brown v. Board the Education of Topeka, Kansas."4 The special admissions program at Davis tried to further integrate the higher education system because merely removing the barriers, as the Brown case did, did not always work. In short, Bakke was questioning how far the Universi... ...erm, the Supreme Court will turn towards desegregation and Affirmative Action. The Freeman v. Pitts case is another recent case dealing with whether bussing is still needed to curb past discrimination.Another case that the court has accepted for this term will examine whether colleges should eliminate racial preference systems in admissions or whether quotas are still needed to further curtail the use of affirmative action. The name of this case and the specific facts, however, were unavailable at this time.9 Obviously affirmative action and reverse discrimination are still heavily debated issues. This is because they affect all people of all races and ethnicities. Conclusion Allan Bakke was denied his fourteenth amendment right to equal protection of the laws. In addition the University of California at Davis violated Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. By order of the Supreme Court Bakke was admitted and th e numerical quotas of the special admissions program were deemed unconstitutional. Justice was served to Bakke, but future generations who are not minorities may be plagued by the other half of the decision: That race may still be used as a "plus" on an application.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Youth Development Support Services Education Essay

IntroductionThis assignment focuses on the Community of Featherstone which lies near the town of Pontefract and is situated within the Wakefield District. As portion of the young person development support services I ‘m presently working on my secondary arrangement at Featherstone Community Centre which offers a young person nine service I besides do outreach work within Featherstone 1 hr per hebdomad. Whilst working in Featherstone I have been garnering difficult and soft information gained an apprehension of the history, population and environment that immature people live in, recognizing the demands of immature people and the community lived in. The information gathered will be used to invent a programme of work to run into a peculiar demand of its occupants. The assignment will besides be used to reflect on my arrangement and meeting my acquisition demands in my function in the community of Featherstone.HistoryFeatherstone chief history focuses around the industry of coal e xcavation which can be traced back to the thirteenth century ( wakefield.gov.uk. 2009 ) 9.A Featherstone Main and Ackton Hall collieries that one time provided the town with work and was one time influential on the lives of its occupants, closed following the mineworkers ‘ work stoppage of the 1984/85. ( wakefield.gov.uk. 2009 ) 8.APopulationThe ( National Statistics 2006 ) 17 province there is a population of â€Å" 14,179 † of which there are â€Å" 6,779 † Males and 7,396, Females. 98.31 % of the cultural population is White British compared to 86.99 % uk ( National Statistics 2004 ) .16, 80.64 % of Peoples province their faith as Christian, 71.74 % England, under 1 % other faiths, over 6 % in uk 9.71 % No faith, 14.59 % in England ( National statistics 2004 ) 18 This means much of the population has a deficiency of diverse civilizations, cultural and spiritual groups. This could ensue in racial favoritism through deficiency of apprehension and instruction. Th e environment could experience estranging, uninviting, perchance scaring to other cultural or spiritual groups sing. The population of Featherstone harmonizing to ( WMDC, n.d ) 5 is worsening with a autumn in the immature people population whilst a lifting in the figure of pensionaries. This could be down to new households non settling in the country and down to the big population that worked in the mines in the up to the 80s ; this shows an addition in the demand for proviso for seniors.PoliticsFeatherstone ward is portion of the Hemsworth constituency of which labour military policeman John Trickett is the elective representative. ( Jon Trickett MP 2009 ) 7. The Featherstone ward harmonizing to Guy, P ( personal communicating 30th December 2009 ) suggests has been controlled overall by the independent party for 6 old ages, this was antecedently shared by the labor party to which antecedently had controlled the ward for decennaries. At present the elective members are party council member Roy Bickerton Mayor, Councillor Kay Binnersley and Councillor Pauline Guy. Politicss and community engagement and how it affects them, were discussed with some of the immature people during degage work. ( See brooding entering ) 1HousingWakefield gov ( n.d ) 5 provinces Home ownership in Featherstone is lower than the territory and U.K ; In fact ( National statistics 2004 ) 6 reveals 25.44 % ain their place outright, 36.07 % with a loan or mortgage compared to 29.19 % and 38.88 % in England. This is in comparing with 30.44 % that are socially rented compared with 13.21 % in England. Whilst place ownership and mortgages non excessively dissimilar to national figures, when you consider house monetary values in Featherstone are good below national norms. ?72,930 compared with ?141,108 England. ( Neighbourhood Statistics 2003 ) 4. This is a huge difference and means that occupants of Featherstone ain belongings that is of low value, country lived in i.e. revenue enhancement set and type of house. And with a big demand for societal lodging demand could be due to low paid work, unemployment, sick wellness or ageing population. The ( National Statistics 2004 ) 3 suggest Out of lodging stock of 5,913 homes, there are more terraced houses, 37.50 % compared to 24.48 % England, Than any other type of brooding in the country, and in comparing to that of detached lodging which is 17.72 % compared with 22.51 % England. The ( national statistics 2004 ) 1 besides reveal that Out of a entire population of, 14,054, 5,272 live in these 37.50 % terraced houses. In comparing to 2,771 who live in degage houses. This means that the bulk of immature people turning up in Featherstone are more likely to populate in terraced lodging which is smaller than detached places ensuing in life conditions that are less broad. When I walked around the community, in countries of societal lodging it was noticed how rundown the environment they lived in had become, this more so in Verner est ate which the positions of occupants can be heard. See brooding entering 2.EducationHarmonizing to ( Wakefield gov nd ) 10. The 2001 nose count Suggest People in Featherstone have trouble in their Educational attainment of which half of dwellers have no makings. The recent ( Ofsted, 2009 ) 12 inspection study of Featherstone high school showed each degree achieved overall mark of 2, ( good ) . But within these subdivisions it highlighted certain elements merely achieved a mark of 3 ( satisfactory ) these were- The Standards reached by scholars ; are below the national norm. Attendance of scholars, A little per centum of pupils, largely boys have hapless attitudes to acquisition and are non accomplishing has good has other pupils. How good learners develop workplace and other accomplishments that will lend to their future economic wellbeing. The study recognised some personal and societal development within school was goodHow good does the school contribute to community coherence?But â€Å" pupils ‘ consciousness and apprehension of cultural diverseness in Britain are limited † . The ( DFES, nd cited in national statistics 2006 ) 13 province that Attainment consequences in Featherstone high school 15 Year Olds Achieving 5+ A* – C GCSE are lower than national degrees in about all topics and there is a large spread in boys 30.8 % compared to girls 41.0 % . This could impact on the future employment chances of some immature people impacting on the type of work they can make from accomplishments and classs obtained, limit entry into farther instruction ( particularly university ) . Young People may happen it difficult to travel to other countries and compete for work so will be stuck in Featherstone and its low economic environment. With boys achieving less in school, could go forth a gender spread in skilled employment and consequence in low paid work.Employment/UnemploymentHarmonizing to the ( National Statistics 2004 ) 20 there were 10,120 eligible workers in Featherstone of which 6,071 are economically active, 4,049 inactive, of which 10.52 % are for good ill / disabled compared to 5.30 % England. This Numberss twice every bit much as the national norm and could be down to lifestyle, want, industrial excavation related wellness issues. In fact harmonizing to National Statistics ( 2004 ) .11 suggests Out of a population of 14,175 ther e are 2,062 with non good wellness and â€Å" 22.16 % Peoples of working age with a restricting long-run unwellness. † 7.05 % of families are non in work with dependent kids compared to 4.83 % uk. All the above figures highlight the demand for societal lodging, want of the country and the impact on some immature people belonging to those households. ( National statistics 2004 ) 15. when looking at the working population 16/ 74 Young Peoples AGED 16 – 24, 28.02 % are unemployed to which is non excessively dissimilar to 25.69 % England compared to over 50s who are 12.36 % Featherstone 18.63 % England. These statistics look as though immature people are on mean twice more likely to be unemployed as an grownup. And how for some immature people, particularly with low educational attainment will happen it difficult to do a passage from place life to independence school to work. In an interview with some immature people they stated Reflective entering 3. The types of Employment for People aged 16-74 in Featherstone ( National Statistics 2004 ) 14 is highest in: Wholesale & A ; Retail trade ; Repair of motor vehicles 21.16 % and fabrication 19.59, these are higher than in England. But in occupations like finance and concern employment in these subdivisions are lower than in the remainder of England. This could be down to educational attainment of local population, societal and economic clime and demand. When seeking to derive entree to occupations out of the country, or have entree to other communities I looked at timetables of coach and rail services to and from Featherstone and Local Transport was hapless, in footings of direct journeys to finishs out of the country. ( National Statistics 2007 ) 19 suggest 34.06 % of families do n't have a auto, 26.84 % in England which farther makes it hard and bounds motion, societal contact and occupation chances for occupants.FacilitiesThe Chesney Community Centre Mcloughlin.M ( personal communi cation,3 December 2009 ) 22 suggested that Chesneys offers big instruction with classs changing from I.T, Maths, and English to photography beauty, leting grownups to derive accomplishments, accreditation and to socialize with others ) . This could assist better the lives of households and opportunities of employment and its societal and economic wagess. When sing that 47.59 % of 16-74 year olds have no makings ( national statistics 2004 ) 21 Mcloughlin.M besides suggests the Centre offers immature people a young person nine on a Monday and Wednesday dark. And his cardinal to a detached young person programme on a Friday dark. Featherstone Sports Centre at Featherstone Technology College opens to the community at certain times and has a Sports Hall, an Aspire Suite, a floodlighted out-of-door Games Area and a Swimming Pool. ( Wakefield gov 2009 ) OAKHILL CHILDREN ‘S CENTRE beginning Offers assorted parenting classs, wellness and household support and advice. This installation could intend that immature carers ‘ , parents and kids get a good start in life. I walked around the community with a co-worker and made a recording of its comfortss and environment and a feel for the community lived in. I found that the local population had good comfortss for wellness and day-to-day life but there was a divide in environmental factors, lodging conditions and a societal integrating of some immature people ‘s based on country lived. See brooding entering 3 3. Needs in the Community Brooding entering 1, When talking with immature people around community issues they said they ‘d â€Å" felt demand † and wanted to make something about determinations that affect them and their friends in their community. Harmonizing to ( Bradshaw. J 1972 ) taxonomy of demand this is felt demand turned into an â€Å" expressed † demand, to desire to take part in determination devising and to be listened to about the determinations that affect them and their community. Brooding entering 2. Exploitation ( Bradshaw. J 1972 ) taxonomy of demand, When walking around Verner I â€Å" felt demand † to inquire occupants about the environment they lived and to show their positions on their demands. This was so turned into an â€Å" expressed demand † , occupants demanding better living conditions. This can besides be seen as a â€Å" normative demand † a opinion based on my values and cognition that immature people and their households should populate in better conditions. Besides â€Å" comparative demand † in relation to environmental services and community patroling received in comparing to life in other countries.